Yemeni women's role in society and politics
  • 1. Yemen has one of the highest rates of what type of marriage?
A) Polygamous marriage
B) Love marriage
C) Child marriage
D) Arranged marriage
  • 2. What is the predominant religion in Yemen?
A) Buddhism
B) Christianity
C) Islam
D) Hinduism
  • 3. Are Yemeni women legally allowed to hold political office?
A) No
B) Only in rural areas
C) Only if unmarried
D) Yes
  • 4. Yemeni women have limited access to what resource?
A) Jobs
B) Water
C) Healthcare
D) Education
  • 5. What is the capital city of Yemen?
A) Sana'a
B) Aden
C) Hodeidah
D) Taiz
  • 6. What is the name of the language spoken in Yemen?
A) Farsi
B) Pashto
C) Urdu
D) Arabic
  • 7. Which international organization is working to empower women in Yemen?
A) World Health Organization
B) UN Women
C) Red Cross
D) Amnesty International
  • 8. Yemeni women are disproportionately affected by which crisis?
A) Humanitarian crisis
B) Environmental crisis
C) Political crisis
D) Economic crisis
  • 9. What is the maternal mortality rate in Yemen?
A) 210 deaths per 100,000 live births
B) 55 deaths per 100,000 live births
C) 385 deaths per 100,000 live births
D) 760 deaths per 100,000 live births
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