- 1. Who is the author of the novel 'The Shining'?
A) H.P. Lovecraft B) George Orwell C) Stephen King D) Edgar Allan Poe
- 2. Where is the fictional Overlook Hotel located in 'The Shining'?
A) Vermont B) New York C) Colorado D) Maine
- 3. What is the name of the protagonist's son in 'The Shining'?
A) Danny B) Tony C) Jack D) Lloyd
- 4. Who is the winter caretaker of the Overlook Hotel in 'The Shining'?
A) Lloyd the Bartender B) Wendy Torrance C) Dick Hallorann D) Jack Torrance
- 5. What is written repeatedly by Jack in his manuscript in 'The Shining'?
A) Redrum B) All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy C) Forever and ever and ever D) Here's Johnny!
- 6. Who warns Danny about the dangers of the Overlook Hotel using the shining ability?
A) Lloyd the Bartender B) Wendy Torrance C) Dick Hallorann D) Delbert Grady
- 7. What is the name of the bartender who serves Jack at the Gold Room in 'The Shining'?
A) Lloyd B) Tom C) Sam D) Joe
- 8. How does Jack Torrance attempt to murder his wife and son in 'The Shining'?
A) Gun B) Axe C) Chainsaw D) Knife
- 9. What word is famously spelled out by Danny's finger in 'The Shining'?
A) Murder B) Ghost C) Evil D) Redrum
- 10. Who does Jack Torrance famously yell 'Here's Johnny!' to in 'The Shining'?
A) The Barman B) Tony C) Danny D) Wendy
- 11. In what year was the novel 'The Shining' first published?
A) 1980 B) 1991 C) 1963 D) 1977
- 12. What is the name of the hotel manager who interviews Jack for the caretaker position?
A) Oliver Harker B) Bill Watson C) Stuart Ullman D) Larry Durkin
- 13. What is the name of the hotel that inspired the Overlook Hotel in 'The Shining'?
A) The Stanley Hotel B) Hotel Cortez C) The Meadowlark Inn D) The Bates Motel
- 14. What is the title of the sequel to 'The Shining' written by Stephen King?
A) The Shining 2 B) Ghost Story C) Doctor Sleep D) The Red Room