Ch1 Science 6th grade
  • 1. What is the main cause of Earthquakes?
A) Hurricanes
B) Pressure from within earth’s crust.
C) Human activity
D) Changes in temperature within earth’s mantle.
  • 2. Which of the following is a true statement about tectonic plates?
A) All tectonic plates are located at Earth’s core.
B) They’re located approximately 10 meters below the surface of the ocean.
C) They are located in the molten layer beneath Earth’s crust.
D) All of earth’s landmass rest on tectonic plates.
  • 3. What can you infer from the fact that tectonic plates are always moving?
A) The shape and location of the continents have changed over time.
B) Earthquakes will continue long after hurricanes and tsunamis have stopped.
C) Tectonic activity probably caused the last Ice Age
D) New volcanoes form every few years.
  • 4. Instrument used to measure an earthquake’s scale.
A) Seismograph
B) Barometer
C) Electrograph
D) Richter scale
  • 5. In the phrase “The Richter scale measures the duration and potency of seismic events”, what does potency mean?
A) Strength
B) Type
C) Time
D) Speed
  • 6. Which city is more likely to experience an Earthquake?
A) Monterrey
B) Saltillo
C) Mexico City
D) Cancun
  • 7. Which of the following is an example of a body fossil?
A) A dinosaur footprint.
B) A carbon print left by a leaf.
C) The skull mammoth that fell into a tar pit.
D) A perfect mold of a dinosaur bone.
  • 8. Which of the following is an example of a trace fossil?
A) A mummy buried in ice.
B) A footprint of an extinct animal.
C) A skeleton preserved in a tar pit.
D) An insect preserved in amber
  • 9. Which of the following terms best describes body fossils?
A) Made of stone
B) Widespread
C) Rare
D) Mummified
  • 10. Why are deserts, tar pits and ice good places to find body fossils?
A) Bacteria and other decomposers Cannot thrive in these environments.
B) Many ancient organisms traveled to these places to die.
C) Most ancient organisms lived in these environments.
D) The largest anc
  • 11. In order to form a fossil, an organism must usually ________ quickly after it dies.
A) Go extinct
B) Rot
C) Decompose
D) Be buried
  • 12. What can you conclude from the part that so many fossils involve shells, skeletons and teeth?
A) These parts are more likely to be buried in ice than other body parts.
B) Most organisms on Earth have shells, skeletons and teeth.
C) Bacteria and decomposers consume these parts first after an animal dies.
D) These parts Decay slower than the other body parts.
  • 13. Although a cast fossil looks like an original bone or shell, how is it different?
A) It’s completely colorless.
B) It contains skin, hair and other remnants.
C) It’s been liquefied.
D) It’s made of rock.
  • 14. A mold fossil is most similar to:
A) An insect trapped in tree sap.
B) A replica of your teeth made at the dentist office.
C) A bone your dog buries in your backyard.
D) An eggshell with no egg inside.
  • 15. What can you infer from the fact that fossil fuels are carbon based.
A) Trees are made from carbon but animals are not.
B) Over time, flesh turns into carbon.
C) Swampy environments are carbon-poor environments.
D) Most life on Earth is made from carbon.
  • 16. What two forces can turn fossils into fossil fuels?
A) Temperature and pressure.
B) Wind and rain.
C) Lift and thrust.
D) Motion and time.
  • 17. Solid inorganic substances of natural occurrence.
A) Carbon
B) Minerals
C) Plants
D) Gold
  • 18. Rot or decompose through the action of bacteria and fungi.
A) Decay
B) Defend
C) Detect
D) Destroy
  • 19. A small remaining quantity of something.
A) Remnant
B) Reuse
C) Reduce
D) Recycle
  • 20. hard translucent fossilized resin produced by extinct coniferous trees of the Tertiary period, typically yellowish in color.
A) Mold
B) Cast
C) Amber
D) Bacteria
  • 21. a mark, object, or other indication of the existence or passing of something.
A) Trap
B) Trace
C) Cut
D) Curve
  • 22. the part of the interior of Earth that lies beneath the crust and above the central core
A) Mantle
B) Tectonic
C) Plates
D) Seismic
  • 23. (of a rock formation) be broken by a fault or faults
A) Tectonic
B) Fossil
C) Fault
D) Plates
  • 24. relating to earthquakes or other vibrations of the earth and its crust.
A) Tsunami
B) Rain
C) Seismic
D) Hurricane
  • 25. flatten by pressure; squeeze or press.
A) Pressure
B) Impress
C) Compress
D) Trace
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