- 1. The Battle of Jericho, a renowned conflict described in the biblical book of Joshua, represents a pivotal moment in the ancient Israelites' conquest of Canaan. As they approached the fortified city of Jericho, the Israelites, under the leadership of Joshua, faced the enormous challenge of overcoming its massive walls, which were believed to be impenetrable. According to the narrative, God instructed Joshua to have his people encircle the city once a day for six days, carrying the Ark of the Covenant and accompanied by priests blowing trumpets. On the seventh day, they were to march around the city seven times and then, at the blast of the trumpets and the shout of the people, the walls of Jericho would miraculously collapse, allowing the Israelites to take the city. This extraordinary event not only demonstrated the power of faith and obedience to God's commands but also signified the beginning of the Israelite's occupation of Canaan, marking an important chapter in their history. The story of the Battle of Jericho has since become an enduring symbol of divine intervention and the triumph of the underdog, inspiring countless interpretations in literature, art, and popular culture.
What biblical book describes the Battle of Jericho?
A) Book of Leviticus B) Book of Exodus C) Book of Genesis D) Book of Joshua
- 2. Who led the Israelites during the Battle of Jericho?
A) Joshua B) Moses C) Solomon D) David
- 3. What circled the city of Jericho as part of the strategy?
A) The Ten Commandments B) The golden calf C) The menorah D) The Ark of the Covenant
- 4. On which day did the walls of Jericho finally fall?
A) The seventh day B) The first day C) The third day D) The sixth day
- 5. Which female character helped the Israelite spies in Jericho?
A) Rahab B) Hannah C) Deborah D) Miriam
- 6. What was the consequence for Rahab's family?
A) They were killed B) They were spared C) They were captured D) They fled to Egypt
- 7. What was the primary purpose of the Battle of Jericho?
A) To conquer the Promised Land B) To secure trade routes C) To punish enemies D) To gather resources
- 8. What were the walls of Jericho made of?
A) Glass B) Wood C) Mud D) Stone
- 9. What happened to Jericho after its walls fell?
A) It was rebuilt immediately B) It was turned into a palace C) It was destroyed D) It became a temple
- 10. Who was the first city conquered by the Israelites in Canaan?
A) Hebron B) Jerusalem C) Ai D) Jericho
- 11. Which city did the Israelites attack after Jericho?
A) Gibeon B) Hebron C) Ai D) Jerusalem
- 12. What did the Israelites do on the seventh day?
A) Shouted B) Rested C) Danced D) Prayed
- 13. Who instructed Joshua about the battle plans?
A) God B) Caleb C) Aaron D) Moses
- 14. What was Joshua's command to the people before the seventh day?
A) Gather supplies B) Be silent C) Set up camp D) Fight bravely
- 15. Which phrase is associated with the fall of Jericho?
A) Victory through strength B) The walls came tumbling down C) A mighty army prevailed D) The sound of silence