Earthquakes and Plate Tectonics
  • 1. An Earthquake is
A) A release of air in the earth
B) A release of gases in the earth
C) A release of solids in the earth
D) A release of energy in the earth
  • 2. Two plates that are moving away from one another
A) A convergent fault
B) A reverse fault
C) A divergent fault
D) A transform fault
  • 3. Two plates that are moving toward one another
A) A transform fault
B) A convergent fault
C) A divergent fault
D) A normal fault
  • 4. Two plates that are moving horizontal to one another
A) A convergent
B) A divergent
C) A transform
D) A thrust fault
  • 5. Divergent faults
A) Creates tension of the plates
B) Creates pulling in the plates
C) Creates squeezing of the plates
D) Creates compression in the plates
  • 6. Convergent faults
A) Creates pulling in the plates
B) Found on landmasses
C) Creates compression in the plates
D) Creates tension in the plates
  • 7. Transform faults
A) Creates compression in the plates
B) Creates tension in the plates
C) Creates pulling in the plates
D) Creates squeezing in the plates
  • 8. A fault is
A) A fixing of the earth's crust
B) A fracture in the earth's core
C) A fracture in the earth's crust
D) when someone else is wrong
  • 9. The Asthenosphere is
A) The Upper Mantleq
B) The Middle Mantle
C) The Core
D) The Lower Mantle
  • 10. The Lithosphere is
A) The Crust and the Core
B) The Mantle and the Core
C) The Upper Mantle and Middle Mantle
D) The Crust and Upper Mantle
  • 11. Spreading Zones are
A) Reverse Faults
B) Convergent Boundaries
C) Transform Boundaries
D) Divergent Boundaries
  • 12. Subduction Zones are
A) Divergent Boundaries
B) Normal Faults
C) Transform Boundaries
D) Convergent Boundaries
  • 13. Strike-Slip Faults are
A) Transform Boundaries
B) Divergent Boundaries
C) Convergent Boundaries
D) Thrust Faults
  • 14. Faults occur in the Crusts
A) Doesn't Matter where
B) Weakest point
C) Strongest Point
D) Only once in the same location
  • 15. The Epicenter is located
A) Directly below the focus
B) Directly to the west of the focus
C) Directly above the Focus
D) At Disneyworld
  • 16. P-Waves are
A) Secondary Waves
B) Travel only through solids
C) Surface Waves
D) Primary Waves
  • 17. S-Waves
A) Travel through all three states of matter
B) Are Primary Waves
C) Travel only through Solids
D) Are Surface Waves
  • 18. Waves move faster through
A) Outer Space
B) Denser Material
C) Loose Materials
D) Less Dense Material
  • 19. What makes the plates move
A) The Convection Currents
B) The Ocean Currents
C) Current Events
D) Electrical Currents
  • 20. Earthquake Waves are Called
A) Radio Waves
B) Sound Waves
C) Ocean Waves
D) Seismic Waves
  • 21. The Epicenter has
A) No damage during an earthquake
B) The waves you can't feel
C) The weakest waves
D) The most violent waves
  • 22. Who was the scientist that found out the earth's surface is always shifting
A) Alfred E Nueman
B) Albert Einstein
C) Issac Newton
D) Alfred Wegener
  • 23. The Crust is
A) The Most Inner Layer
B) The Thinnest Layer
C) On the Edges of Bread
D) The Thickest Layer
  • 24. The portion of the Earth you can see
A) The Core
B) The Asthenosphere
C) The Mantle
D) The Crust
  • 25. Magma is
A) Lava
B) On the Earth's Surface
C) Very cold
D) Molten rock
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