Abram and Sarai in Egypt
  • 1. Why did Abram and Sarai go to Egypt?
A) Famine in Canaan
B) Religious pilgrimage
C) Pursuit by enemies
D) Following a prophecy
  • 2. What action did Pharaoh take after discovering Sarai was Abram's wife?
A) Sent Abram away
B) Married Sarai
C) Judged Abram
D) Gave Abram more gifts
  • 3. What was the name of Abram's father?
A) Terah
B) Haran
C) Nahor
D) Lot
  • 4. What was the initial reaction of Pharaoh to Sarai's beauty?
A) He was frightened
B) He ignored her
C) He sent her away
D) He took her into his house
  • 5. Which land did Abram originally come from?
A) Egypt
B) Ur of the Chaldeans
C) Babylon
D) Canaan
  • 6. What was Abram's occupation?
A) Shepherd
B) Blacksmith
C) Merchant
D) Farmer
  • 7. How did Sarai's situation change upon leaving Egypt?
A) She started anew alone
B) She became Pharaoh’s wife
C) She stayed in Egypt
D) She returned to Abram
  • 8. What lesson can be learned from Abram and Sarai's time in Egypt?
A) Trust in God’s protection
B) Seek wealth above all
C) Always tell the truth
D) Leave for Egypt in times of famine
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