Reading Wonders 4.2 Vocabulary
- 1. A crocodile has sharp teeth __________ it needs them to rip and kill its prey.
A) again B) small C) because
- 2. Many animals live in the deep ________ sea.
A) blue B) team C) play
- 3. Do you want hot lunch _____ salad?
A) or B) other C) into
- 4. Some ______ animals can help big animals.
A) me B) small C) tree
- 5. I don't like it when Mrs. Riffe makes me _______ my work.
A) redo B) repay C) unzip
- 6. Mrs. Riffe asked Gabe to ________ his book before taking the test.
A) reread B) undo C) teach
- 7. You should work with your friend so you can help each ________ get done quick.
A) other B) small C) play
- 8. I put my homework _______ my folder but it is not there.
A) into B) each C) field
- 9. I __________ my backpack to put my book in it.
A) unzipped B) repaid C) sneeze
- 10. I gave _______ of my friends a nice card.
A) paid B) each C) other
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