percent practise
BCSS's population is 911 students. 9% of them are 19 years of age or older. How many students are 19 or older?Write a number only.
Tony bought a new car for $34,500. He paid 13% in tax. How much tax did he pay?Write a number only - no comma.
Sheila works at an expensive clothing store.She keeps 3% of her total sales.One week she sold $29800. How much did she earn?Write a number only.
27% of a Twinkie's total weight is fat. Its total weight is 74g. What is the weight of the fat?Write a number only.
An audience at a movie is 62% female. 200 people are in the audience. How many females are in the audience?Write a number only.
Pedro purchased a new unlocked iPhone. He paid 13% tax on it.He paid $1624 for the phone.How much tax was paid cost for the phone?Write a number only.
2025 adults were surveyed about their income.81 of these adults earned more than $500,000 per year.What percent earned more than $500,000 per year?Write a number only - no percent sign.
On three tests:Pierre got 30 out of 39;André got 41 out of 54;Suzette got 63 out 79.The correct order from lowest percent to highest is:
Pierre, André, Suzette
Suzette, Pierre, André
André, Suzette, Pierre
André, Pierre, Suzette
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