• 1. According to Robert Merton’s Strain Theory, which of the following individuals is most likely to engage in deviant behavior due to the disconnect between cultural goals and institutional means?
A) A person who rejects both societal goals and institutional means and lives a life of retreat
B) A person who accepts societal goals and achieves them through legitimate means
C) A person who accepts societal goals but lacks access to legitimate means to achieve them.
D) A person who creates new goals and means to replace the existing societal ones
  • 2. According to Social Disorganization Theory, which of the following factors most contributes to the development of crime in a community?
A) Strong social ties and collective efficacy among residents
B) High levels of poverty, residential instability, and cultural heterogeneity
C) Strict enforcement of laws and community-oriented policing
D) High levels of individual education and economic mobility
  • 3. A criminologist is analyzing the behavior of a young offender who has a history of impulsive decision-making, low stress tolerance, and aggressive tendencies. The offender grew up in a neighborhood with frequent exposure to violence and had inconsistent parental supervision. Based on the Biosocial Theory of Crime, what is the best explanation for this individual’s behavior?
A) A combination of biological traits and environmental influences contributed to the offender’s behavior
B) The offender’s upbringing in a violent environment fully explains their actions
C) . The offender’s behavior is driven by rational choice and calculated decision-making
D) The offender’s criminal behavior is solely a result of genetic predisposition
  • 4. A series of burglaries has been reported in a suburban neighborhood. Upon investigation, it is found that the crimes occur near a busy commercial area where offenders can easily blend in. The offenders target homes with predictable routines, such as being unoccupied during work hours. Based on Crime Pattern Theory, which of the following best explains the offenders’ behavior?
A) Offenders are opportunistic and select targets based solely on random chance
B) Offenders are motivated by internal psychological factors rather than external circumstances
C) Offenders focus on areas with strong community ties to disrupt social cohesion.
D) Offenders commit crimes in areas where their daily activities intersect with vulnerable targets
  • 5. Which of the following is not part of the connection between research and the improvement of man's welfare?
A) New skills/practices/behavior
B) Better outcome
C) Research
D) Improved condition welfare
  • 6. It is a variation of justice which is concerned not so much with retribution and punishment as with (a) making the victim whole and (b) reintegrating the offender into society.
A) Oppressive law
B) Utilitarianism
C) Retributive justice
D) Restorative justice
  • 7. The PNP instills the value of Makalikasan to all its personnel. Which of the following organizational activity exemplifies this value?
A) Conduct of squad weekly interactive meeting.
B) Conduct of scubasurero.
C) Conduct of human rights seminars
D) Conduct of flag raising and lowering activities
  • 8. A criminologist is mediating a dispute between two police officers over the allocation of resources for a community project. One officer insists on prioritizing technology upgrades, while the other wants to focus on additional manpower. To reach a solution, the criminologist encourages both parties to discuss their priorities openly and find a solution that partially satisfies both sides. Which Thomas-Kilmann conflict management strategy is the criminologist using in this situation?
A) Collaborating
B) Compromising
C) Competing
D) Avoiding
  • 9. In handling a civil disturbance, the PNP is instructed to use force only under what circumstance, according to the PNP Operational Manual?
A) When the protestors become violent toward officers
B) When the protest is deemed unlawful
C) When the organizers threaten public officials
D) When the crowd refuses to disperse after a lawful order
  • 10. A child who is vulnerable to and at the risk of committing criminal offenses because of personal, family and social circumstances, which of this is an exemption to the case?
A) Being a street child
B) Being a center of a youth organization
C) Being exploited economically
D) Being out of school
  • 11. Which of the following is an example of a qualitative criminological research question?
A) Is there a correlation between education levels and violent crime rates?
B) What are the lived experiences of former gang members during reintegration into society?
C) What percentage of inmates report substance abuse as a contributing factor to their crime?
D) How many people commit burglary in urban areas per year?
  • 12. What is the primary objective of using surveys in quantitative criminological research?
A) To observe participants in their natural environment
B) To collect standardized data for statistical analysis
C) To explore in-depth personal narratives
D) To study small, unique populations extensively
  • 13. What is the key feature of correlational research in quantitative criminology?
A) It tests causal relationships between variables
B) It identifies the strength and direction of relationships between variables
C) It measures the impact of one variable on another
D) It focuses on the subjective experiences of participants.
  • 14. Alpha resorted of committing a crime because it is hard for him to achieve his material goals as he is in the group of a lower class while Bravo comes to an easy reaching his material wants for, h
A) Strain theory
B) Differential association theory
C) Social learning theory
D) Cultural deviance theory
  • 15. This is characterized by cold, cruelty, social insensitivity, disregard for danger, troublesome behavior, dislike of others, and attraction toward the unusual.
A) Psychoticism
B) Psychosis
C) Psychoneurosis
D) Psychosomatic
  • 16. One of the most obedient students in the criminology is Alpha, when he started to join civic organization and attending rallies he was influenced by his group to misbehave to the point that class disturbance occur due to his behavior. If you are the dean of the school, what behavioral classification would Alpha have?
A) Amoral
B) Violence
C) Morally wrong
D) Immoral
  • 17. In the context of the PNP’s disaster risk reduction and management plan, what does the term “Saklolo” refer to?
A) The PNP’s disaster risk reduction and management plan
B) A code name for a specific operation
C) A type of emergency equipment
D) A training program for first responders
  • 18. A young adult who has recently dropped out of school and has few close relationships with family or community members begins engaging in vandalism and petty theft. The individual expresses little concern about societal rules or expectations. According to Social Bond Theory, which of the
A) The individual is motivated by economic strain and the inability to achieve societal goals.
B) The individual lacks strong ties to social institutions, leading to weakened conformity to societal norms
C) The individual commits crimes as a result of peer pressure and learned behavior
D) The individual is biologically predisposed to deviant behavior and lacks self-control.
  • 19. The Mental capacity of a child to understand the difference between what is right or wrong and the consequences of his acts.
A) Motive
B) Intent
C) Discernment
D) Knowledge
  • 20. Ricardo Cardo Dasay is volleyball team captain that keeps the game on even if it is a 25-20 and they're losing at the fourth set of game. The situation is referring to:
A) Acting out
B) Dissociation
C) Avoidance
D) Denial
  • 21. A teenager is caught shoplifting with a group of friends. Upon investigation, it is revealed that the teenager’s friends have been engaging in similar behavior for months and have often talked about how “easy” it is to get away with it. The teenager claims they only joined in to fit in with the group. Based on Social Learning Theory, what is the most likely explanation for the teenager’s criminal behavior?
A) The teenager engaged in shoplifting as a result of societal strain and blocked opportunities.
B) The teenager made a rational decision to commit the crime after assessing its risks and benefits
C) The teenager has a genetic predisposition toward deviant behavior
D) The teenager learned the behavior by observing and imitating their peers
  • 22. Which of the following is a characteristic of quantitative research in criminology?
A) It relies on open-ended interviews and participant observation
B) It focuses on subjective experiences and meanings.
C) It collects numerical data for statistical analysis
D) It avoids the use of standardized measurements or tools
  • 23. A research that is to understand or explain a prevailing situation or explain a relationship between factors which may have already been identified in explanatory studies, and why the relationship exists
A) Pure basic research
B) Keen research
C) Explanatory research
D) Exploratory research
  • 24. What is the main advantage of using mixed-methods research design in criminological studies?
A) It combines the depth of qualitative research with the breadth of quantitative research.
B) It ensures generalizability by relying solely on large-scale surveys.
C) It minimizes ethical concerns in criminological research
D) It eliminates the need for qualitative data collection
  • 25. A criminologist studies a teenager who was labeled as a “delinquent” after being arrested for minor offenses. Over time, the teenager begins to identify with the label and engages in more criminal behavior, even though they did not initially consider themselves a criminal. Which concept from the interactionist view of crime best explains this behavior?
A) Social contro
B) Differential association
C) Labeling theory
D) Routine activities theory
  • 26. Pat. Victor Mangubat was born from a criminal family and he was always looking for a pleasure in life but do not take any want risk and avoids punishment. Pat. Victor Mangubat is a great representation of a _______
A) Hedonist
B) Criminaloid
C) Atavistic
D) Rational Calculator
  • 27. A criminologist conducts a study to observe and document the common characteristics of juvenile offenders in a specific city, such as their age, gender, educational background, and family structure, without attempting to explain the causes of their behavior. What type of research is the criminologist conducting?
A) Correlational research
B) Descriptive research
C) Experimental research
D) Exploratory research
  • 28. What type of search described a condition or a given state of affairs in terms of specified aspects or factors?
A) Research framework
B) Intervention research
C) Correlation research
D) Descriptive research
  • 29. A criminologist is designing a study to gather data on the attitudes of police officers toward community policing. The criminologist creates a questionnaire with a series of questions that allow officers to rate their opinions on a scale from “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree.” What type of research instrument is the criminologist using in this study?
A) Observation
B) Case study
C) Interview
D) Survey
  • 30. A criminologist uses a survey with Likert-scale questions to study public attitudes toward police performance. This is an example of:
A) Ethnographic research
B) Mixed-methods research
C) Qualitative research
D) Quantitative research
  • 31. Refers to a period of disorganization, period of upset during which people attempts at arriving at solution of problems. It is a crucial or decisive point or situation; a turning point; an unstable condition, as in political, social, or economic. It is a state provokes when a person faces obstacles or hazards to an important life goal
A) Crises management
B) Crisis
C) Crises negotiation
D) Crises
  • 32. A criminologist conducts a study on the experiences of victims of domestic violence in a specific community. To select participants, the criminologist chooses individuals who are known to have visited local support centers for victims. Which non-probability sampling method is the criminologist using?
A) Stratified sampling
B) Snowball sampling=
C) Convenience sampling
D) Simple random sampling
  • 33. A person who is a unique professional who can broadly practice the works of a criminologist, function of a criminalist and the role of a criminal justice practitioner
A) Criminalist
B) Criminologist
C) Criminal justice practitioner
D) None of these
  • 34. Those with any behavioral disorder, whether functional or
    organic, which is of such a degree of severity as to require
    professional help or hospitalization
A) Emotionally handicapped children
B) Mentally retarded children
C) Physically handicapped children
D) Mentally ill children
  • 35. Which qualitative research method is best suited for
    studying the daily experiences of correctional officers in
A) Ethnographic research
B) Correlational analysis
C) Structured interviews
D) Secondary data analysis
  • 36. What type of quantitative research design examines causeand-effect relationships?
A) Correlational design
B) Experimental design
C) Exploratory design
D) Descriptive design
  • 37. What kind of crime victim does these people who
    experience the harm intensely through media publicity as their
    source of information?
A) Primary crime victim
B) Tertiary crime victim
C) Secondary crime victim
D) Specific crime victim
  • 38. This is a modern classical school-based framework for
    explaining crime that includes the traditional formal deterrence
    aspects and other informal factors that studies show
    consistently and strongly influence behavior
A) Differential association theory
B) Drift theory
C) Moffit's development theory
D) Rational choice theory
  • 39. Ryan Benoit conducted his study without posing any
    danger, embarrassment, hurt or any risk to his research
    respondents. What problem has been solved in the case?
A) A research problem must be clear
B) A research problem must be ethical
C) A research problem must be relevant
D) A research problem must be feasible
  • 40. Anton Guerrero has been bullied all through his early years
    because he is an introvert person, but smart and intelligent
    wherein Anton excels in his academic grades and skinny. This
    is the manifestation of _______
A) Dysplastic
B) Endomorphic
C) Mesomorphic
D) Ectomorphic
  • 41. What is this THEORY emphasized on the process of
    naming behaviors and the people that perform them.
A) Rational choice
B) Labelling
C) Anomie
D) Functionalist
  • 42. An anti-social behavior of the youth is a direct result of
    internal conflict and pre-occupation with his own emotion and
    mood. Therapy and counselling is necessary to control this
    type of delinquency.
A) Social
B) Asocial
C) Accidental
D) Neurotic
  • 43. The kind of family structure that could influence a person to
    criminal behavior, characterized by non-satisfaction of one or
    both parent from the relationship that may express feeling of
    frustration refers to
A) Disturbed families
B) Anti-social families
C) Disrupted families
D) Inadequate families
  • 44. Characteristics of a good research problem. It must be of
    interest to the one investigating it. It should yield answers that
    will contribute to knowledge and development.
A) Feasible
B) Clear
C) Relevant
D) Ethical
  • 45. Police C/Insp. Joaquin Tuazon vas assigned to apprehend
    all children in the streets who are found loitering. Ricardo
    "Cardo" Dalisay a teenager snatched the phone of Glenda
    Glen F. Corpus who during the commission Police C/Insp.
    Joaquin S. Tuazon was doing his routine patrol and he of the
    crime immediately apprehended Ricardo "Cardo" Dalisay.
    What stags is being applied in this case?
A) Arrest
B) Apprehension
C) Final contact
D) Initial contact
  • 46. Who are the children whose acts are manifested by vile,
    cruel and atrocious acts conducted for which they feel no
A) Accidental
B) Neurotic
C) Social
D) Asocial
  • 47. This is an intense fear of a specific object or situation, such
    as snakes, heights, or flying.
A) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
B) Specific Phobia
C) Social Anxiety Disorder
D) Panic Disorder
  • 48. This process submits that the criminal behavior was due to
    the gap between the criminal and the community. For this
    reason, the offender must be assisted to strive hard to face the
    forces of the society or community which will join upon his
    release from jail/prison
A) Purpose of sentencing
B) Isolation of prisoners
C) Rehabilitation
D) Re-integration
  • 49. The PNP members shall be actively involved in all civic,
    religious, and other social activities with the end purpose of
    increasing awareness
A) Camaraderie
B) Business
C) Religious
D) Social awareness
  • 50. Which agency is primarily responsible for disaster response
    operations at the local level?
A) Department of National Defense
B) Local Government Units (lgus)
C) Department of Health
D) Philippine National Police
  • 51. What social norm provides direction for people in their
    dealings with one another, as a standard against which actions
    are evaluated, and as a prescription or requirement that people
    act justly?
A) Conduct
B) Commandment
C) Conduct
D) Justice
  • 52. The Period following the onset of puberty during which a
    young person develops from a child into an adult
A) Manhood
B) Adolescence
C) Teenager
D) Adulthood
  • 53. A Scottish woodcutter was accused of killing a man he
    believed to be Prime Minister for thought that he was
    persecuted by the Tories and their leader, Robert Peel,
    however turned out to be another person. The court believed
    he was so mentally deranged that it would be inhuman to
    convict him since it was clear he was not in control of his
    faculties. This case became known as:
A) The brawne rule
B) The mc naghten rule
C) The durham rule
D) The irrational mind rule
  • 54. Pertains to the examination of the reasons of crime
    causation and primarily deals to answer issues why despite the
    existence of the law people still commit crimes.
    A. Reaction towards the breaking of law
A) Criminal etiology
B) The breaking of laws
C) The making of laws
D) Reaction towards the breaking of law
  • 55. It was observed by the public through media and news print
    outs that Police Chief Albayalde was exercising proper
    legitimate use of authority In the performance of his duty to
    avoid critiques from the oppositions, Police chief Albayalde is
    performing what ethical standard?
A) Public service
B) Judicious use of authority
C) Justice
D) Police discretion
  • 56. Results of many research studies are published in journals
    or monographs. These articles or reports are generally written
    by those who actually conducted the study, thus, they are
A) All of these
B) General references
C) Secondary sources
D) Primary sources
  • 57. Which study of criminality in relation to the spatial
    distribution in a community?
A) Criminal physical anthropology
B) Criminal epidiomology
C) Criminal ecology
D) Criminal Etiology
  • 58. It is one of the parts of literature reviews that describer
    briefly the mature of the research problem and explains what
    led the researcher to investigate the question
A) Introduction
B) Body
C) Conclusion
D) Summary/synthesis
  • 59. In the PNP’s disaster risk reduction and management plan,
    which concept emphasizes reducing vulnerabilities and
    enhancing capacities to withstand hazards?
A) Response
B) Mitigation
C) Recovery
D) Rehabilitation
  • 60. What crime rate or incidence in a given locality is reflective
    of the effectiveness of the social defences employed by the
    people primarily of the police system?
A) Crime is Pervasive
B) Crime in Reflective
C) Crime is Expensive
D) Crime is Destructive
  • 61. What is this statement that confirms crime correlates to
    society that affects almost all people?
A) Crime is Destructive
B) Crime is Progressive
C) Crime is Expensive
D) Crime is Pervasive
  • 62. An old woman approached pcpl. Cardo Dalisay asking the
    police officer to run after an unidentified young man who
    allegedly snatched her mobile phone. Pcpl. Cardo Dalisay
    declined claiming that the man was already a block away from
    them and besides the police officer alleged that he is rushing
    home for an urgent matter at home. The officer's refusal to help
    the old woman is an example of ____.
A) Non-feasance
B) Malfeasance
C) Misconduct
D) Misfeasance
  • 63. This is a short term resident care for youthful offenders who
    are awaiting court disposition of their cases or transfer to other
    agencies or jurisdiction but does not exceed for twenty-four
A) Child-caring Institution
B) Detention homes
C) Educational Institution
D) Shelter-care institution
  • 64. In research, this answer to the reason why we study
    sample because it is definitely quicker to study fewer
    individuals or elements than an entire population.
A) It is faster
B) It is cheaper
C) It is more accurate
D) It can yield sore comprehensive information
  • 65. What is this ability to go on despite the tremendous
A) Perseverance
B) Frudence
C) Endurance
D) Endurance
  • 66. A community holds a restorative justice circle after a
    teenager is caught stealing from a local store. During the circle,
    the offender explains their financial struggles, the store owner
    shares the impact of the theft, and community members
    suggest ways to help the offender avoid reoffending. What role
    does the community play in restorative justice according to this
A) Supporting the offender in reintegration and preventing future crimes
B) Imposing harsher penalties on the offender
C) Pressuring the victim to forgive the offender
D) Replacing the legal justice system entirely
  • 67. A criminologist is asked to provide a biased report favoring
    the client’s interests in exchange for additional payment. The
    client insists that the report will not be questioned and assures
    confidentiality. According to the Canons of a Registered
    Criminologist, how should the criminologist respond?
A) Reject the offer and uphold the principles of fairness and truth.
B) Accept the offer to satisfy the client’s request.
C) Seek advice from a colleague before deciding.
D) Alter the report slightly to meet the client’s request without compromising professionalism.
  • 68. A teenager involved in drug dealing states that they
    continue despite the risks of arrest because they enjoy the
    financial and social benefits. The teenager also shows little
    concern for the legal consequences. What does reward
    dominance theory suggest about this offender’s behavior?
A) The offender has an underactive Behavioral Activation System (BAS).
B) The offender’s actions are entirely shaped by peer influence
C) The offender is unable to distinguish between right and wrong
D) The offender’s behavior reflects dominance of reward sensitivity over punishment sensitivity
  • 69. A criminologist uses their position to influence the hiring
    process of a family member in a private firm with which they
    have professional dealings. Which Canon is violated in this
A) Canon on Practice of Profession
B) Canon on Attitude Towards Fellow Criminologists
C) Canon on Limitation of Authority
D) Canon on Private Conduct
  • 70. What is this model when the father is the head; the mother
    in the chief of the training table and cheerleader. The children,
    suffering frequent performance anxiety, play the rules and stay
    in shape with conformity calisthenics?
A) The theatrical model
B) The military model
C) Team model
D) The corporate model
  • 71. What movement removes as many first offenders of minor,
    nonviolent crimes as potential from secure confinement and
    treat them in the community?
A) Decriminalization
B) Deinstitutionalization
C) Rehabilitative Perspective
D) Restorative Justice
  • 72. Among the following choices, this describes a radical
    criminological approach to the explanation of crime that sees
    the conflict and Ineq
A) Left-realist criminology
B) Peacemaking criminology
C) Radical criminology
D) Feminist criminology
  • 73. High levels of which hormone have been linked to
    increased aggression and dominance behaviors that may lead
    to criminal activity?
A) Estrogen
B) Testosterone
C) Oxytocin
D) Cortisol
  • 74. . Which of the following best explains the role of dopamine in
    relation to criminal behavior?
A) Dopamine levels have no relationship with criminal behavior
B) Excess dopamine activity can increase reward-seeking behaviors, including criminal acts.
C) Dopamine deficiency leads directly to violent crimes.
D) High dopamine levels reduce the likelihood of crime by improving mood.
  • 75. What statement this refers when they stipulate professional
    standards of conduct necessary for the ethical enlightenment
    of practitioners if they are to lead a professional career?
A) Code of ethics
B) Police Discipline
C) Police Conduct
D) Human conduct
  • 76. A suspect arrested for burglary. During interrogation, the
    suspect explains that they carefully planned the crime by
    targeting a house with no security cameras, observing the
    owners’ schedules to ensure they were away, and choosing to
    break in at night to avoid detection. The suspect claims they
    committed the burglary to obtain quick money for personal
    expenses, weighing the potential reward against the risk of
    getting caught. Based on rational choice theory, which of the
    following best explains the suspect’s behavior?
A) The suspect’s criminal behavior was influenced solely by external social pressures
B) The suspect made a calculated decision after assessing the risks and rewards of committing the crime.
C) The suspect acted impulsively without considering the consequences of their actions
D) The suspect’s actions were driven by genetic predisposition to criminality
  • 77. Which requirement must a criminologist meet to teach
    criminology subjects in higher education institutions under RA
A) Must hold a master’s degree in law
B) Must possess a valid certificate of registration and professional identification card
C) Must pass the bar examination to qualify
D) Must have at least five years of law enforcement experience
  • 78. Research suggests that low levels of which
    neurotransmitter are linked to impulsive aggression and violent
B) Serotonin
C) Dopamine
D) Norepinephrine
  • 79. The confusion or unclear condition on social and on moral
    norms may lead an individual to deviant behavior. This concept
    is true on what theory?
A) Neutralization Theory
B) Anomie Theory
C) Strain Theory
D) Containment Theory
  • 80. What kind of parents they are when they are warm but firm,
    they set standards for the child's conduct but form expectations
    consistent with the child's developing needs and capabilities?
A) Authoritarian parents
B) Indulgent parents
C) Authoritative parents
D) Indifferent parents
  • 81. This is a manifestation of mental disorder through an
    erroneous perception without an external object of stimulus.
A) Illusion
B) Delusion
C) Paranoia
D) Hallucination
  • 82. What is this law is otherwise known as the Special
    Protection of Children Against Exploitation and Discrimination?
A) RA 7160
B) RA 7610
C) RA 7106
D) RA 7601
  • 83. This means the progress of criminology is concordant with
    the advancement of other sciences that has been applied to it.
    This connotes that criminology is.
A) Progressive
B) Dynamic
C) Nationalistic
D) Regionalistic
  • 84. What is this known as the Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act
    of 2006, where it covers the different stages involving children
    at risk and children in conflict with the law from prevention to
    rehabilitation and reintegration?
A) RA 9454
B) RA 9433
C) RA 9344
D) RA 9443
  • 85. A woman experiencing physical and emotional abuse files
    for a protection order against her spouse. Which type of
    protection order under RA 9262 can be issued immediately to
    provide temporary relief to the victim?
A) Barangay Protection Order (BPO)
B) Permanent Protection Order (PPO)
C) Ex-Parte Protection Order
D) Temporary Protection Order (TPO)
  • 86. Which body type of individual depiction too much on
    committing thief and could fit to a narrow places?
A) An Endomorphic
B) A Dysplastic or mixed
C) A Mesomorphic
D) An Ectomorphic
  • 87. What stage Sexual interest is relatively inactive?
A) Anal stage
B) Latency stage
C) Genital stage
D) Phallic stage
  • 88. Research method usually used when the intention of the
    researcher is to ascertain the quality of message or information
    found in a document or in mass media.
A) Experimental Method
B) Historical Method
C) Content Analysis
D) Survey Method
  • 89. This type of research study find answer to the questions,
    who, what, when, where and how. This type of research
    describes a situation or a given situation in terms of specified
    aspects or factors.
A) Explanatory or Correlation Research
B) Descriptive Research
C) Pure Basic Research
D) Intervention Experimental research
  • 90. . According to the section 6 of the RA 9344, a child above
    fifteen (15) years at the time of the commission of the offense
A) Be exempt from criminal liability and civil liability
B) Not be exempted from criminal liability
C) Be exempt from criminal liability and shall be subjected to intervention program
D) Be exempt from criminal liability and shall not be subjected to intervention program
  • 91. . What does it connotes if police officer Ronald De la Cruz
    and his immediate family members were actively involved in
    the religious, social and community activities which somehow
    enhance the image of the Police Organization even without
    affecting his official duties?
A) Physical Fitness
B) Social Awareness
C) Table manners
D) Non-Partisanship
  • 92. These parents are responsive, accepting, benign or kind
    and more passive ways in matters of discipline. They believe
    that control is an infringement or violation of the child's
A) Authoritarian Parents
B) Indulgent Parents
C) Indifferent Parents
D) Authoritative Parents
  • 93. What sexual dysfunction wherein there is no sexual drive
    or interest in sexual activity?
A) Sexual Aversion Disorder
B) Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder
C) Sexual Pain Disorders
D) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • 94. The group to which the researcher would like the results
    of a study to be generalized
A) Respondent
B) Ratio
C) Whole group
D) Population
  • 95. Which of the following the PNP members shall follow
    logical procedures in accomplishing tasks assigned to them to
    minimize waste in the use of time, money and effort?
A) Integrity
B) Morality
C) Orderliness
D) Justice
  • 96. Which of these does not belong to the factors in
    determining appropriate intervention program to a child in
    conflict with the law?
A) Nature and circumstances of the offense charged
B) Safety and security of the child
C) Influence of the family and environment on the growth of the child
D) Family and social background of the parents
  • 97. What is committed by a person who shall engage in
    trading and dealing with children including, but not limited to
    the act of buying and selling of a child for money or for any
    consideration or barter?
A) Child Exploitation
B) Child trafficking
C) Child prostitution
D) Child at Risk
  • 98. What is this brief description of the entire population of the
    study and the type of sampling techniques used in selecting
    sample respondents?
A) Research Instrument
B) Specific Objectives
C) Population & Sampling Scheme
D) Description of the Respondents
  • 99. What theory argued that a combination of internal
    psychological containments and external social containment
    prevents people from deviating from social norms?
A) Classical theory
B) Strain theory
C) Control theory
D) Containment theory
  • 100. Who are this frequently committing Criminal offenses by a
    young person below the age at which ordinary criminal
    prosecution is possible?
A) Juvenile Delinquency
B) Youthful offender
C) Minor Delinquent
D) Young Offender
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