The First Americans Ch 1 - 20 Questions
  • 1. A ________________ such as the one formed by the Iroquois, linked the governments of different groups.
A) think tank
B) civilization
C) counsel
D) federation
  • 2. Each _____________, village, built by the Anasazi was carefully made from sun-dried earth and stone.
A) culture
B) adobee
C) dwelding
D) pueblo
  • 3. ______________________ use symbols of pictures to represent things, ideas, and sounds.
A) Comic Sans
B) Email
C) Hieroglyphics
D) Hyrowclifics
  • 4. A __________________ is a highly developed society.
A) Archaeology
B) civilization
C) nomad
D) federacetion
  • 5. ___________ is a way of life for a particular group of people.
A) Culture
B) Civilization
C) Carbon dating
D) Aztec
  • 6. _________________ is the study of ancient peoples.
A) Archaeology
B) Zoology
C) Scientoloy
D) Biology
  • 7. An __________ is an item, such as a tool, left behind by a culture.
A) artery
B) pueblo
C) artifact
D) vessel
  • 8. An ____________ was a time period of cold temperatures when part of the earth was covered with ice sheets.
A) Ice Age
B) Legion
C) Decade
D) Century
  • 9. A ___________ is a person who moves from place to place.
A) farmer
B) norman
C) nomad
D) mover
  • 10. _________________________ helps determine the age of an artifact.
A) Carbonated dating
B) Cultural dating
C) Ice dating
D) Carbon dating
  • 11. Hieroglyphics uses _____________________ to represent things, ideas, and sounds.
A) culture
B) Anasazi pueblo
C) carbon dating
D) symbols and pictures
  • 12. Archaeologists use carbon dating to measure ________________ .
A) the customs of ancient tribes
B) distance across the Asian/Amercias land bridge
C) the age of ice
D) the age of artifact
  • 13. The first crops raised by Native Americans in Mexico was _______________ .
A) kep (sea weed)
B) peanut (for peanut butter)
C) maize (corn)
D) wheat (for flour)
  • 14. The land bridge connected what to regions?
A) England and New York
B) Africa and present-day Alaska
C) present-California and Asia
D) Asia and present-day Alaska
  • 15. Why did Asians cross the land bridge to the Americas?
A) to avoid war
B) to avoid the ice storms
C) to find food
D) to avoid the fires
  • 16. The Onondaga, Seneca, Mohawk, Oneida, and Cayuga formed the ______________________ .
A) Iroquois League
B) Navajo League
C) Apache League
D) Mohawk League
  • 17. In what area did the Chinook people live?
A) Southeast Coast
B) Southwest Coast
C) Northwest Coast
D) Northeast Coast
  • 18. The people of the Southwest lived in what type dwellings?
A) wooden cabins
B) adobe homes and hogans
C) caves
D) tents
  • 19. Living in cliff-side dwellings had what two advantages?
A) easy water and good food storage
B) better crops and a longer growing season
C) low rent and running water
D) easy to defend and protection from the weather
  • 20. The Inca controlled what region of the Americas?
A) North America's western highlands
B) South America's western highlands
C) South America's eastern lowlands
D) Middle America's central highlands
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