A) Perrin Aybara B) Egwene al'Vere C) Rand al'Thor D) Mat Cauthon
A) A ruby-hilted dagger B) A dagger C) A silver coin D) A foxhead medallion
A) Cairhien B) Saldaea C) Illian D) Andor
A) The Blight B) The Ways C) Shayol Ghul D) Tel'aran'rhiod
A) Tar Valon B) Illian C) Ebou Dar D) Camelyn
A) Egwene al'Vere B) Sheriam Bayanar C) Siuan Sanche D) Elaida do Avriny a'Roihan
A) Ath'aan Miere B) Aiel C) Aes Sedai D) Black Ajah
A) Ravensbane B) Heron Wading in the Rushes C) Hawkwing's Blade D) Callandor
A) The Karaethon Cycle B) The Seanchan Plan C) The Aiel Prophecy D) The Prophecies of the Dragon
A) Hopper B) Bella C) Dapple D) Wind |