The Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan (1991)
  • 1. Who is the Dragon Reborn in the series?
A) Perrin Aybara
B) Egwene al'Vere
C) Rand al'Thor
D) Mat Cauthon
  • 2. What is Mat Cauthon's lucky charm?
A) A ruby-hilted dagger
B) A dagger
C) A silver coin
D) A foxhead medallion
  • 3. Which nation is ruled by Queen Morgase?
A) Cairhien
B) Saldaea
C) Illian
D) Andor
  • 4. What is the name of the dimension where the Dark One is imprisoned?
A) The Blight
B) The Ways
C) Shayol Ghul
D) Tel'aran'rhiod
  • 5. What is the name of the city that is home to the White Tower and the Aes Sedai?
A) Tar Valon
B) Illian
C) Ebou Dar
D) Camelyn
  • 6. Which character becomes the Amyrlin Seat of the White Tower?
A) Egwene al'Vere
B) Sheriam Bayanar
C) Siuan Sanche
D) Elaida do Avriny a'Roihan
  • 7. What is the name of the powerful group of female channelers that fought against the Dark One in the Age of Legends?
A) Ath'aan Miere
B) Aiel
C) Aes Sedai
D) Black Ajah
  • 8. What is the name of Rand al'Thor's sword?
A) Ravensbane
B) Heron Wading in the Rushes
C) Hawkwing's Blade
D) Callandor
  • 9. What is the name of the prophecy predicting the coming of the Dragon Reborn?
A) The Karaethon Cycle
B) The Seanchan Plan
C) The Aiel Prophecy
D) The Prophecies of the Dragon
  • 10. What is the name of the wolf who becomes Perrin Aybara's companion?
A) Hopper
B) Bella
C) Dapple
D) Wind
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