Molière (dramatist)
  • 1. When did Molière die?
A) 1712
B) 1632
C) 1673
D) 1690
  • 2. What was Molière's real name?
A) Jean-Baptiste Poquelin
B) François Molière
C) Pierre Corneille
D) Louis XIV
  • 3. Which famous king was Molière's patron?
A) Philip II
B) Louis XIV
C) Charles II
D) Henry VIII
  • 4. Which of Molière's plays was met with significant controversy and criticism from the church?
A) George Dandin
B) Le Misanthrope (The Misanthrope)
C) Tartuffe
D) Les Précieuses Ridicules (The Affected Ladies)
  • 5. How old was Molière when he died?
A) 45
B) 61
C) 57
D) 51
  • 6. What was the cause of Molière's death?
A) Stroke
B) Pneumonia
C) Heart attack
D) Tuberculosis
  • 7. What nationality was Molière?
A) English
B) Spanish
C) Italian
D) French
  • 8. What was Molière's father's occupation?
A) Baker
B) Upholsterer
C) Tailor
D) Blacksmith
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