Ellis Island
  • 1. What was the primary purpose of Ellis Island?
A) Tourist attraction
B) Immigration processing
C) Military base
D) Storage facility
  • 2. In which year did Ellis Island open as an immigration station?
A) 1920
B) 1888
C) 1901
D) 1892
  • 3. Which immigrant group made up the largest number of arrivals at Ellis Island?
A) Chinese
B) Italians
C) Germans
D) Irish
  • 4. What was the original name of the statue that stands near Ellis Island?
A) Statue of Freedom
B) Liberty Enlightening the World
C) Lady Liberty
D) Mother of Exiles
  • 5. When did Ellis Island close as an immigration station?
A) 1930
B) 1945
C) 1965
D) 1954
  • 6. Who was the first person recorded to pass through Ellis Island?
A) Annie Moore
B) John Smith
C) James McDonald
D) Mary Johnson
  • 7. What was the purpose of the detention center at Ellis Island?
A) To quarantine sick immigrants
B) To house government officials
C) To educate immigrants
D) To hold immigrants for further processing
  • 8. What did many immigrants carry upon arrival at Ellis Island?
A) All their belongings
B) Only documents
C) Valuables only
D) Nothing
  • 9. What role did the U.S. Public Health Service play at Ellis Island?
A) Detention management
B) Legal processing
C) Cultural orientation
D) Medical inspections
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