  • 1. Who was the Roman poet known for his epic poem 'The Aeneid'?
A) Homer
B) Ovid
C) Horace
D) Virgil
  • 2. Which Roman emperor commissioned Virgil to write 'The Aeneid'?
A) Caligula
B) Nero
C) Augustus
D) Julius Caesar
  • 3. What is the main character's name in 'The Aeneid'?
A) Hector
B) Hercules
C) Aeneas
D) Odysseus
  • 4. What is the name of Virgil's first major work, an eclogue or pastoral poem?
A) The Iliad
B) Eclogues
C) Georgics
D) The Aeneid
  • 5. Where was Virgil born?
A) Mantua
B) Milan
C) Athens
D) Rome
  • 6. What language did Virgil write in?
A) Greek
B) French
C) Latin
D) Italian
  • 7. Which mythological figure appears in 'The Aeneid' to guide Aeneas through the Underworld?
A) Athena
B) Circe
C) Medusa
D) Sibyl
  • 8. What literary genre is 'The Aeneid' classified as?
A) Tragedy
B) Epic poem
C) Comedy
D) Satire
  • 9. Which poet served as a major influence on Virgil's writing?
A) Homer
B) Catullus
C) Horace
D) Ovid
  • 10. 'The Aeneid' is an epic poem that tells the story of the founding of which city?
A) Athens
B) Troy
C) Rome
D) Carthage
  • 11. What is the name of the woman who becomes Aeneas' lover in 'The Aeneid'?
A) Helen
B) Cleopatra
C) Dido
D) Penelope
  • 12. What event led Aeneas to flee Troy and eventually settle in Italy?
A) War with Greece
B) Fall of Troy
C) Capture by pirates
D) Natural disaster
  • 13. What is the name of Aeneas' son in 'The Aeneid'?
A) Romulus
B) Remus
C) Cupid
D) Ascanius
  • 14. Which Roman poet is known for his collection of love poems called 'Amores'?
A) Catullus
B) Ovid
C) Horace
D) Virgil
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