Latin America - Environmental Issures
  • 1. This country has a serious air pollution problem.
A) Bolivia
B) Venezuela
C) Brazil
D) Mexico
  • 2. This country has a problem with oil pollution.
A) Panama
B) Mexico
C) Venezuela
D) Brazil
  • 3. This country has a problem with deforestation.
A) Bolivia
B) Brazil
C) Venezuela
D) Mexico
  • 4. What traps pollutants above Mexico City?
A) rivers
B) deserts
C) trees
D) mountains
  • 5. How is the Mexican government trying to help reduce air pollution?
A) they aren't doing anything to help
B) limit how often you can drive your car
C) cleaning up the oil pits
D) limit the number of trees that can be cut down
  • 6. What is a combination of smoke and thick fog called?
A) jetstream
B) smokeyfog
C) ozone
D) smog
  • 7. This environmental issue causes the loss of habitat for million of species of animals.
A) air pollution
B) deforestation
C) oil pollution
  • 8. This environmental issue damages the environment and hurts the fishing industry.
A) oil pollution
B) deforestation
C) air pollution
  • 9. What are the main sources of air pollution in Mexico City?
A) electric cars
B) people smoking
C) intense sunlight
D) cars and factories
  • 10. What is the main crop grown in areas of deforestation?
A) cocoa
B) soy beans
C) nuts
D) rubber
  • 11. The world gets about 20% of which resource from the Amazon rain forest?
A) oxygen
B) gold
C) silver
D) nitrogen
  • 12. How is the Brazilian government trying to stop deforestation?
A) limit how often you can drive your car
B) creating laws limiting the amount of the forest cut down
C) cleaning up the oil pits
D) they aren't doing anything to help
  • 13. How is the Venezuelan government trying to protect their water sources from oil pollution?
A) cleaning up the oil pits
B) limit the number of trees that can be cut down
C) limit how often you can drive your car
D) they aren't doing anything to help
  • 14. What is one reason that the Venezuelan government would NOT want to stop oil production?
A) the government does not care about the damage to the environment
B) oil production is a major source of income for the government
C) people have solved their oil pollution problem without government help
D) the people of Venezuela don't care about the environment
  • 15. How does geography play a role in the air pollution in Mexico City?
A) the cars and factories send pollution into the air
B) it is one of the world's most populated cities
C) it lies in a bowl shaped valley that is surrounded by mountains so the pollutants can't escape
D) it has views of the beach and mountains
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