Stress 1(obj)
  • 1. Stress is a degree of ---- placed on a segment of a word.
A) Force
B) Voice
C) Cause
D) Blush
  • 2. English language is a ------- timed language.
A) Intonation
B) Stressed
C) Syllabic
D) Emphatic
  • 3. There are ----kinds of stress.
A) 3
B) 5
C) 4
D) 2
  • 4. The stronger part of a word takes ------ stress.
A) Secondary
B) Short
C) Tertiary
D) Primary
  • 5. The less stronger part of a word takes-------stress
A) Short
B) Primary
C) Long
D) Secondary
  • 6. A symbol used to represent primary stress is _____
A) Superscript
B) Supported
C) Supervision
D) Superior
  • 7. A symbol used to represent secondary stress is called _______.
A) Subscription
B) Subscribers
C) Subsequently
D) Subscript
  • 8. There are _____ types of stress.
A) 2
B) 4
C) 1
D) 3
  • 9. A single word that has one stress is ______
A) Monosonic
B) Monoplane
C) Monopoly
D) Monosyllabic
  • 10. Words with two syllables are ______words
A) Disable
B) Discouraged
C) Disyllabic
D) Discord
  • 11. Words with many syllables are ----- words
A) Polymer
B) Political
C) Polysyllabic
D) Polynomial
  • 12. Plastic is stressed ------
A) Plays - TIC
B) P - LAS - ic
C) plastic
D) PLAS -tic
  • 13. Computer is stressed ____
A) Com - PU - ter
B) Comp - U - ter
C) Com - pu - TER
D) COM - pu - ter
  • 14. Pronounce is stressed -----
B) P - RO - nounce
D) Pronounce
  • 15. China is stressed _____
A) CHI - na
B) C - Hi - na
D) Chi - NA
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