- 1. What do you call the process of inventing, innovating, and creating new ideas and turning them into action with the purpose of satisfying the needs and wants of the consumers?
A) Entrepreneurship B) Enterpriser C) Entreprise D) Entrepreneur
- 2. What do you call a person who creates the idea and makes an enterprise?
A) Businessman B) Entrepreneur C) Owner D) Innovator
- 3. What do you call this core competency of entrepreneurship which involves continuouS searching and creating new ideas to offer in the market?
A) Innovation B) Risk bearing C) Surplus D) Profit Potential
- 4. what is this core competency of an entrepreneur to create wealth and value by ensuring the best usage of scarce resources?
A) Innovation B) Economic Activity C) Leadership D) Profit
- 5. serves as a mnotivation to an entrepreneur in times of disappointment?
A) Profit B) Time C) Risk bearing D) Job opportunity
- 6. what do you call this entrepreneur's core competency wherein the entrepreneur can listen, ask a question, and convey thoughts?
A) Connection B) Threats C) Leadership D) Communication
- 7. what is the term used to address a business?
A) Entrepreneur B) Building C) Enterprise D) Cost
- 8. What do you call the process of giving and receiving product and services used in the early centuries?
A) Bartering B) Replacing C) Exchanging D) Giving
- 9. what ls the diference between the enterprise and the entrepreneurr
A) Enterprise is the practice, and entrepreneur is the person. B) Enterprise is the product, and entrepreneur is the person. C) Enterprise is the process, and entrepreneur is the product. D) Enterprise is the product, and the entrepreneur is the services
- 10. Which of the following is NOT Considered a reason people become entrepreneurs?
A) Flexible and freedom of work hours. B) Want to have a boss? C) Your passion is your source of income. D) Innovate as you like.
- 11. individuals who are willing to absorb huge risks of using enormous amounts of capital in their business ventures.
- 12. this entrepreneur has the skill of inventing new ideas, putting up new businesses, and producing new products/services to sell to the market.
- 13. Individuals who are engaged in micro or small business as alternative formal employment
- 14. a type of entrepreneur who copies or adopts any new ideas of other entrepreneurs
- 15. This is one of the most common cholces of a new entrepreneur. They only franchise an are used in the business operation. The franchisee owns and assumes all the business responsibility.
- 16. This type af entrepreneur takes all the responsibility over the business and keeps all the profit from the business An entrepreneur can work full-time because no one is involved in the business Self-employed type of entrepreneurs can be those people who go into business to Survivea day. Examples family stores, repair shops, street vendors, etc.
- 17. This type of entrepreneur assumes trading but is not involved in manufacturing the product. They may sell it directly as a retailer. They are the middleman between the manufacturer and the customers.
- 18. It is also used to describe the act of someone who takes the initiative by taking risks, putting up new products and investments, and running a business.
A) entrepreneurship B) entrepreneur C) mega enterprise D) enterprise
- 19. Entrepreneurs ideas may not always be in the interest of the customer and the result of the entrepreneurs efforts may not always be what they have inagined, SA's series of failures and disappontments may be the stepping stone for an entrepreneur. That is why, patience, courage, and determination are very important to becominga sucoessful entrepreneur.
A) risk and uncertainty B) all of the above C) economic activity D) communication
- 20. Entrepreneurship is an economic activity because it provides job opportunities to other people by creating new products and services and by putting up a new ernterprise. It creates wealth and value by ensuring the best usage of scarce resources. It always makes goods and services available.
A) profit B) none of the above C) economic activity D) communication
- 21. Entrepreneurship involves communication wherein the entrepreneur can listen, ask questions and convey thoughts it will help the entrepreneur to assess the needs of the consumer.
A) economic enterprise B) all of the above C) uncertainty D) communication
- 22. In turning an idea into an actual enterprise, an entrepreneur needs a lot of courage and strength to surpass the challenges and disappointments Entrepreneurs are mostly motivated by what could be the possible returm of profit to them, Without this profit potential, all the entrepreneurs efforts and time will remain as an idea.
A) Innovation B) leadership C) Profit
- 23. Entrepreneurship insolves continuous searching and creation of new ideas to ofter in the market. It reguires individuals to continuousiy search, evaluate, test, and re-do their existing products and senices Through this, the entrepreneur can serve the customers most etfectively and etficiently.
A) none of the aboved B) innovation C) Commuication D) innovators
- 24. entrepreneur should be abie to direct and glve instructions to hiw/het subordinates. In entrepreneurship, the entrepreneur shod pursue tis subordinates to perform their duties with Commitment. An entrepreneur must motivate his/her subordinates to perform their bet to achieve the companys goals and objectives.
A) Leadership B) Self employed C) Open minded D) Comunication
- 25. Is the process of pusuing a new venturelprofitable) which involves more than just problem- solving in a typical management position.
A) Entrepreneurial proces B) Identifying evualiton C) Entreprencurial problem D) All of the above
- 26. The process by which a entrepreneur comes up with the opportunity for a new venture
A) process B) idenity and evaluate C) process D) all of the above
- 27. The period avallable for creating the new product
A) opportunity B) enterprise C) window of opportunity D) communication
- 28. Is essential to developing the opportunity and determining the resources required, obtaining that resources, and sucesstully managing
A) develop a business plan B) evalution C) opportunity cost D) business plan
- 29. This process starts with an appraisal of the entrepreneurs present resources, any resources that are critical need to be diferentiated from those that are just helpful.
A) all of the above B) identify and evaluate C) determination D) determined the resources required
- 30. This involves implementing a management style and structure, as well as determining the key variables for success
A) management B) manage the enterprise C) marketing D) determination
- 31. nature of an entrepreneurs decision-making environment.
A) imagination B) long term C) effectuate D) risk
- 32. is a process that starts with what one(who hey are, what they know, and whom they know) and selects among possible outcome.
A) management B) effectuation C) cognitive
- 33. Is a process that starts with the desired outcome and focuses on the means to generate that Outcome.
A) cause and effect B) causal process C) causal information D) none of the above
- 34. Describes the extent to which entrepreneurs are dynamic, flexible, self-regulating and engaged n the process of generating multiple decision frameworks focused on sensing and processing changes in their environments and then acting on them
A) cognitive adaptability B) adaptability C) causal process D) metacognition
- 35. An individual has emotionally recovered from the failure when thoughts about the events surrounding, and leading up to, the loss of the business no longer generate a negative emotional response.
A) cognitive adaptability B) recovery and learning process C) adjustments D) learning process
- 36. Refers to working through, and processing, some aspects of the loss experience and, as a result of this process, breaking emotional bonds to the object lost.
A) loss-orientation B) loss C) additional income D) restoration
- 37. A manager's attitude concerning corporate ___ is related to the organization?
A) responsibility B) responsible C) activity D) risk
- 38. In the face of daily stressful situations and other difficulties, the possibility exists that the entrepreneur will establish a balance between___ and ___ and social responsibility- a balance that differs from the point where the general business manager takes his or her moral instance
A) none of the above B) ethicalexigencies and economic expediency C) social response D) science based decision making processes
- 39. The Study of behavior and morals in a business situation
A) moral B) business ethics C) ethics D) norms
- 40. The process for developing and commercializing an innovation
A) commercialization B) market strategy C) evolution process D) enterprise
- 41. The intersection of knowledge and social need that starts the product development process.
A) product B) innovations C) technological innovation D) iterative synthesis
- 42. New products with little technological change.
A) technology B) ordinary innovations C) result oriented D) breakthrough
- 43. New products with significant technological advancement
A) technology B) all of the above C) market strategy D) technologic innovation
- 44. New products with some technological change
A) breakthrough innovation B) break through innovation C) technological innovation D) ordinary innovation
- 45. what are the importance of entrepreneurship?
A) increase poverty B) technology C) information D) Generates new wealth in an economy
- 46. Which of the following refers to people in your target market who are not currently looking for a solution?
A) Target market B) Prospects C) Target market users D) Existing customers
- 47. hat refers to people who have already purchased your product?
A) Target market B) Prospects C) Existing customers D) Target market users
- 48. What refers to the place where buying and selling happened?
A) Outlet B) Business scenario C) Channel D) Market
- 49. An entrepreneur must have a clear picture of his/her target markets.
A) disagree B) all of the above C) strongly disagree D) Agree
- 50. basic aspects of being an entrepreneur
A) People will work for you. B) You will get to see how your work changes people's lives C) Innovate as you like. D) Requires the devotion of the necessary time and effort
- 51. In turning an idea into an actual enterprise, an entrepreneur needs a lot of courage and strength to surpass the challenges and disappointments. Entrepreneurs are mostly motivated by what could be the possible return of profit to them, Without this profit potential, all the entrepreneurs' efforts and time will remain as an idea.
A) innovation B) idea C) profit D) allocation
- 52. The opportunity must fit the personal skills and goals of the entrepreneurs, it is particularly important that the entrepreneur be able to put forth the necessary time and effort required to make the venture succeed
A) false B) true