- 1. known as the National Service Training Act of 2001, aims to enhance the civic consciousness of the students “by developing the ethics of service and patriotism” while undergoing Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS).
A) Republic Act No. 9163 B) National Service Training Act of 2002 C) National Service Training Act of 2008 D) National Service Training Act of 2003
- 2. Refers to program component institutionalized under section 38 and 39 R.A. No. 7077, designed to provide military training to motivate and train organize and mobilize them for National defense preparedness.
- 3. refers to the service component of the National Service Training program which is designed to train students to impart literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out-of-school youths and other segments of society who are in need of their services.
- 4. designed to promote contributory activities to the general welfare of the betterment of the life for the members of the community or the enhancement of its facilities, especially this devoted to improving health, education, environment, entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and morals of the citizenry and other social welfare activities
A) 4 units per semester with a minimum of 54 hours B) 5 units per semester with a minimum of 54 hours C) 3 units per semester with a minimum of 54 hours D) 3 units per semester with a minimum of 50 hours
- 6. Aristotle and Boethius described man as a
A) irrational being B) Spiritual C) Intellectual D) Rational being
- 7. who describe that a human person as a substance of physical and spiritual.
A) Boethius B) Theologians C) Aristotle D) Eddie Babor
- 8. “The Human Person, Not Real But Existing”
A) Boethius B) Eddie Babor C) Theologians D) Aristotle
- 9. As a rational being, a person is free to think and has the capacity to reason. He can distinguish what is right and what is wrong because he has intellect.
A) Free B) Rational C) Social Being D) Unique
- 10. A person has the freedom to do or not to do a specific action. However, every person must be responsible for his own action.
A) Unique B) Rational C) Social Being D) Free
- 11. Every person has his own identity such that no two persons are the same.
A) Rational B) Unique C) Free D) Social Being
- 12. He cannot detach his “being” from others and all other creatures in the universe.
A) Free B) Unique C) Rational D) Social Being
- 13. The expression of a person’s emotions, attitudes, feelings, actions and thoughts in sexual activity best exemplifies his uniqueness from animals.
A) Unique B) Sexual C) Free D) Rational
- 14. who is the founder of this theory on the hierarchy of needs
A) Aristotle B) Abraham Maslow C) Boethius D) Theologians
- 15. these are biological needs such as food, water and clothing.
A) Physiological Level B) Safety C) Esteem D) Self-Actualization
- 16. when physiological needs are met, the person transcends in finding security and protection from physical and emotional harm.
A) Self-Actualization B) Esteem C) Physiological Level D) Safety
- 17. when the needs for physiological and safety had been satisfied, the desire for affection, belonging, friendship can become active.
A) Safety B) Physiological C) Esteem D) Social and Belongingness
- 18. include achievement, mastery, confidence and the esteem the person gets from others. These include recognition, respect, attention etc.
A) Self-Actualization B) Esteem C) Self-Actualization D) Safety
- 19. it is the highest form of motivation. Maslow describes this need as reaching the person’s peak potential.
A) Self-Actualization B) Social and Belongingness C) Safety D) Esteem
- 20. refers to an interpersonal relationship where people are friendly with each other.
A) Hospitality B) Damayan System C) Pakikisama / Camaraderie D) Familial / Close Family Ties
- 21. Filipino are said to value and take good care of their family.
A) Hospitality B) Familial / Close Family Ties C) Pakikisama / Camaraderie D) Hospitality
- 22. refers to the warm welcome that the Filipino gives to visitors who come to his and her home, especially strangers.
A) Hospitality B) Damayan System C) Familial / Close Family Ties D) Pakikisama / Camaraderie
- 23. refers to the sympathy for people who suffered lost and in unfavorable situations.
A) Hospitality B) Damayan System C) Pakikisama / Camaraderie D) Familial / Close Family Ties
- 24. Filipinos can keep up with whatever life throw at them. They deal with the challenges and changes in their everyday lives as it happens.
A) Resiliency B) Hospitality C) Flexibility and Adaptability D) Damayan System
- 25. nothing can keep the Filipino down. Even in dire situation, Filipino always find a reason to laugh at the difficulties and proceed with their lives.
A) Resiliency B) Damayan System C) Flexibility and Adaptability D) Familial / Close Family Ties
- 26. Being Filipinos, we should respect our Philippine flag and its purpose. The history and value of this flag are connected to the freedom we have today.
A) Stand proud for every Filipinos achievement B) Respect the Philippine flag and value the Filipino identity C) Preserve the Filipino culture D) Patronize and support our own products
- 27. Be industrious and make ourselves productive, not only for ourselves but for our country as well. Serve the people, serve our nation.
A) Patronize and support our own products B) Be a productive citizen C) Stand proud for every Filipinos achievement D) Be aware of the issues in our country
- 28. We must be aware and updated on the significant issues happening in the country. Extend help to the needy fellowmen, especially the victims of disasters like typhoons, flooding, and the like.
A) Stand proud for every Filipinos achievement B) Preserve the Filipino culture C) Be aware of the issues in our country D) Patronize and support our own products
- 29. Filipinos is globally competitive in many aspects. They are proud to be a Filipino and for the honors they bring to our country.
A) Preserve the Filipino culture B) Be a productive citizen C) Be aware of the issues in our country D) Stand proud for every Filipinos achievement
- 30. The Philippines has rich resources to create quality goods and products.
A) Preserve the Filipino culture B) Stand proud for every Filipinos achievement C) Be aware of the issues in our country D) Patronize and support our own products
- 31. – Philippines is rich in various colorful cultural elements. They are our identity. Be proud and preserve the culture we have for they are our treasure. We have to keep them for the future generation.
A) Patronize and support our own products B) Preserve the Filipino culture C) Be a productive citizen D) Stand proud for every Filipinos achievement
- 32. Filipinos are very courteous and respectful. Even in modern times, many Filipinos show and value their noble norms and traditions.
A) Stand proud for every Filipinos achievement B) Be a productive citizen C) Respect everyone and value our traditions D) Patronize and support our own products
- 33. Using our own language is manifesting and preserving our national identity. It is our unique means of communicating and interacting with our fellowmen.
A) Preserve the Filipino culture B) Stand proud for every Filipinos achievement C) Speak out our own language D) Respect everyone and value our traditions
- 34. There were many Filipinos who died for our democracy, freedom, and independence. Some fought using their pens and tongues, while some used the power of their arms and weapons.
A) Respect everyone and value our traditions B) Preserve the Filipino culture C) Stand proud for every Filipinos achievement D) Remember and commemorate our heroes’ sacrifices for our country
- 35. Love and help one another. That way, we are showing the world that we are proud to be Filipinos.
A) Stand proud for every Filipinos achievement B) Love our family, our neighbors, and our compatriots C) Respect everyone and value our traditions D) Remember and commemorate our heroes’ sacrifices for our country
- 36. This is the cheapest and easiest way to show your patriotism.
A) Display your pride. B) Learn about your country. C) Stay informed. D) Be proud of your country.
- 37. Know what is going on the country.
A) Display your pride. B) Stay informed. C) Be proud of your country. D) Learn about your country.
- 38. Learn the history, culture and influences of the place where you are born and living in.
A) Stay informed. B) Display your pride. C) Be proud of your country. D) Learn about your country.
- 39. Celebrate the diversity and uniqueness of the country. Highlight the good side of the country.
A) Be proud of your country. B) Stay informed. C) Learn about your country. D) Display your pride.
- 40. No one will take care and safeguard the country’s resources but their own people. Make it last for the succeeding generations.
A) Buy local. B) Keep the environment clean. C) Vote. D) Pay your taxes.
- 41. Support the local businesses and local products to better boost the local producers like farmers, fishermen etc.
A) Vote. B) Pay your taxes. C) Buy local. D) Keep the government honest.
- 42. Contribute to the country’s budget to create change and development which shall be supported by paying the right amount of taxes.
A) Keep the government honest. B) Volunteer. C) Vote. D) Pay your taxes.
- 43. Exercise your rights and participate in the government. Chose the leaders that could shape out country’s direction and future.
A) Pay your taxes. B) Buy local. C) Vote. D) Keep the environment clean.
- 44. Don’t tolerate corruption and red tape. Keep an eye out for any malpractice in the government and abusive government leaders and employee.
A) Buy local. B) Keep the government honest. C) Vote. D) Pay your taxes.
- 45. Get involve and advocate for worthwhile issues. Share your time and talent for a cause that could help the country.
A) Volunteer. B) Pay your taxes. C) Keep the government honest. D) Vote.
- 46. his person- centered therapy theory, believed that every person has within him an inherent desire towards a positive transformation and development of his capacity.
- 47. The stages of development are patterned sequence encompassing appropriate physical, emotional and cognitive tasks that the individual must muster in a struggle to adjust to the demands of the social environment.