• 1. 1. Cultural diversity refers to the presence of different _____ within a society.
A) traditions
B) foods
C) languages
  • 2. 2. An example of cultural diversity is:
A) Different festivals celebrated by various groups
B) Everyone speaking the same language
C) Uniform clothing for all citizens
  • 3. 3. Personal security is important for ensuring _____ in our daily lives.
A) chaos
B) conflict
C) peace
  • 4. 4. A key component of a successful marriage is _____ between partners.
A) secrecy
B) communication
C) disagreement
  • 5. 5. The practice of being loyal means:
A) Betraying friends
B) Supporting and standing by loved ones
C) Ignoring responsibilities
  • 6. 6. National service can be defined as:
A) Attending social events
B) Volunteering for community projects
C) Pursuing a career abroad
  • 7. 7. Parenthood involves:
A) Ignoring children's needs
B) Caring for and guiding children
C) Making decisions for oneself only
  • 8. 8. A major challenge in parenthood is:
A) Finding time for hobbies
B) Managing children’s education and well-being
C) Planning
  • 9. 9. Leadership is best described as the ability to:
A) Inspire and guide a group
B) Follow others
C) Avoid responsibility
  • 10. 10. A sign of effective leadership is:
A) Making decisions alone
B) Encouraging teamwork and collaboration
C) Ignoring team input
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