- 1. The part of a structure above the foundation.
A) ailerons B) foundation C) superstructure D) structure
- 2. The tendency of an object to remain still or to continue to move in the same straight line unless an outside force acts on it.
A) force B) gravity C) fluid friction D) inertia
- 3. Codes enacted by state and local governments that specify the methods and materials that can be used for each aspect of construction.
A) specifications B) building codes C) structural member D) aerodynamics
- 4. The study of the forces of air on an object moving through it.
A) aerospace B) inertia C) aerodynamics D) fluid friction
- 5. A push or a pull that transfers energy to an object.
A) gravity B) load C) drag D) force
- 6. Something that is constructed, or built.
A) structure B) structural member C) superstructure D) plans
- 7. A force that pulls objects towards the center of the Earth. Also the force of attraction between two objects.
A) gravity B) loan C) force D) fluid friction
- 8. The study of how things fly.
A) ailerons B) aerospace C) airfoil D) aerodynamics
- 9. The part of a structure in contact with the ground.
A) foundation B) plans C) load D) drag
- 10. A building material used to make up the frame of a structure.
A) structural member B) smart materials C) buidling codes D) plans
- 11. The resistance an object meets as it moves through the air.
A) inertia B) gravity C) fluid friction D) airfoil
- 12. Wing flaps on an airplane that changes the shape of the wing, increasing and decreasing the amount of lift the wing creates.
A) drag B) ailerons C) force D) fluid friction
- 13. An external force on an object.
A) load B) drag C) airfoil D) gravity
- 14. Written details about materials and other project related concerns.
A) plans B) specifications C) Bernoulli effect D) force
- 15. A shape, like the wedge shaped wing of an airplane, that is designed to speed up the airpassing over the top surface.
A) Bernoulli effect B) airfoil C) force D) drag
- 16. The force of fluid friction on moving objects.
A) drag B) inertia C) force D) gravity
- 17. Drawings that show the builder how to construct the structure.
A) plans B) foundation C) specifications D) airfoil
- 18. Materials that have built-in sensors to warn of unsafe conditions.
A) building codes B) plans C) superstructure D) smart material
- 19. States that a fast moving fluid exerts less pressure than a slow moving fluid
A) Bernoulli effect B) fluid friction C) inertia D) force