Chapter 13 Test 8th World History
  • 1. a storyteller
A) plateau
B) dhow
C) Sunni Ali
D) Axum
E) griot
  • 2. the city-state that owed its power to its location on the Red Sea
A) Axum
B) dhow
C) griot
D) plateau
E) Sunni Ali
  • 3. an area of high flat land
A) Sunni Ali
B) plateau
C) griot
D) dhow
E) Axum
  • 4. the sailboat invented by Arab traders
A) dhow
B) plateau
C) griot
D) Axum
E) Sunni Ali
  • 5. He stormed into Timbuktu and drove out the Berbers.
A) dhow
B) griot
C) Axum
D) Sunni Ali
E) plateau
  • 6. Songhai leader who built the largest empire in medieval West Africa
A) Makkah
B) clan
C) sultan
D) Swahili
E) Askia Muhammad
  • 7. a leader of a group of people
A) Askia Muhammad
B) sultan
C) Makkah
D) clan
E) Swahili
  • 8. a language that means “people of the coast”
A) Swahili
B) clan
C) Makkah
D) Askia Muhammad
E) sultan
  • 9. a group of people descended from the same ancestor
A) Makkah
B) Swahili
C) sultan
D) clan
E) Askia Muhammad
  • 10. Muslim holy city, also known as Mecca
A) clan
B) Askia Muhammad
C) Swahili
D) sultan
E) Makkah
  • 11. tracing family descent through mothers rather than fathers
A) Nzinga
B) oral history
C) matrilineal
D) extended families
E) Dahia al-Kahina
  • 12. families made up of several generations
A) extended families
B) oral history
C) Nzinga
D) matrilineal
E) Dahia al-Kahina
  • 13. stories passed down by mouth from generation to generation
A) matrilineal
B) oral history
C) Nzinga
D) Dahia al-Kahina
E) extended families
  • 14. queen who spent 40 years battling Portuguese slave traders
A) Dahia al-Kahina
B) oral history
C) Nzinga
D) matrilineal
E) extended families
  • 15. queen who led the fight against the Muslim invasion of her country
A) Dahia al-Kahina
B) matrilineal
C) oral history
D) Nzinga
E) extended families
  • 16. Africa’s savannas
A) cover only 10 percent of the land.
B) are cool and rainy.
C) are good for raising herds of animals.
D) are good for growing crops.
  • 17. Used in trade caravans across the desert, camels were nicknamed
A) “caravan heroes.”
B) “ships of the desert.”
C) “desert conquerors.”
D) “sand gods.”
  • 18. What great warrior-king, called “Lion Prince,” seized Ghana in 1240?
A) Sunni Ali
B) Timbuktu
C) Sundiata Keita
D) Mansa Musa
  • 19. African rain forest kingdoms were ____ by the dense forest growth.
A) protected from invaders
B) enveloped and weakened
C) shutoff and harmed
D) made defenseless
  • 20. The great trading center of Zimbabwe supplied ____ to the East African coast.
A) gold, copper, ivory
B) salt, gold, tin
C) gunpowder, spears, bows
D) bananas, yams, rice
  • 21. King ____ of Mali rewarded loyal citizens with gold, land, and horses.
A) salt, gold, tin
B) Ibn Battuta
C) Mansa Musa
D) Muhammad Ture
  • 22. West African empires utilized ____ governments ruled by ____.
A) city-state, emperors
B) centralized, kings
C) democracy, sultans
D) tribal, chiefs
  • 23. Today, the most widely practiced religion in Africa is
A) Igbo
B) Christianity.
C) Islam.
D) Judaism.
  • 24. Igbo is similar to Christianity, Islam, and Judaism in that all believe in
A) one supreme god.
B) ancestor spirits.
C) many gods.
D) helping the poor.
  • 25. The ____ language and culture still exists in East Africa today.
A) Swahili
B) Arabian
C) Igbo
D) Egyptian
  • 26. The ____ people’s migrations helped spread culture across medieval Africa.
A) Portuguese
B) Bantu
C) Ndongo
D) Yorba
  • 27. Education in African villages was carried out by the family and
A) other villagers.
B) church.
C) the village school.
D) tribal council.
  • 28. During the 1440s, the European slave trade was started in Africa by
A) Spain.
B) England.
C) Dutch.
D) Portugal.
  • 29. The earliest known form of African art is
A) cave paintings.
B) metalworking.
C) weaving
D) woodcarving.
  • 30. Enslaved Africans used music to remind them of their
A) freedom
B) homeland
C) religion
D) prayers
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