Genesis Ch.02
  • 1. a man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall:
A) cleave unto his wife
B) have many children
C) never return to their house
D) build his wife a house
  • 2. Adam said, of the woman: This is now bone of my bones, and:
A) she shall be my wife
B) flesh of my flesh
C) I will rule over her
D) I will love her eternally
  • 3. After LORD God breathed into man's nostrils, man:
A) began to breathe
B) man lifted up his head
C) man saw the light of life
D) became a living soul
  • 4. And a river went out _______ to water the garden:
A) from the seas
B) from the waterfalls
C) of Eden
D) the rocks
  • 5. And on the seventh day God:
A) continued his work
B) restored the earth
C) ended his work which he had made
D) builded the Ark of the covenant
  • 6. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and:
A) asked God to give them clothes
B) covered themselves
C) were full of shame
D) were not ashamed
  • 7. God blessed and sanctified:
A) all the seven days
B) the first day
C) the seventh day
D) the sixth day
  • 8. God rested from all his work which he had made:
A) on the eighth day
B) because He was tired
C) on the day of rest
D) on the seventh day
  • 9. if the man ate of the tree which God told him not to eat of, he would: :
A) become unworthy
B) probably die
C) surely die
D) never talk with God
  • 10. It is not good that the man should:
A) work in the field
B) be alone
C) leave his wife alone
D) eat animals
  • 11. out of the ground made ________ to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight:
A) the LORD God
B) Adam
C) Adam and Eve
D) the waters
  • 12. she shall be called Woman, because she:
A) was the mother of all mankind
B) was inferior to man
C) was taken out of Man
D) the wife of the man
  • 13. The husband shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall::
A) be blessed forever
B) be one flesh
C) never be separated
D) be sinless
  • 14. the LORD God breathed into man's nostrils :
A) the spirit of man
B) the breath of life
C) the spirit of everlasting life
D) the life source
  • 15. the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and: :
A) Adam had visions
B) Adam could not wake up
C) Adam dreamed
D) he slept
  • 16. the LORD God formed man:
A) out of the belly of the ground
B) of the dust of the ground
C) from fine golden sand
D) from a special mud
  • 17. the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man:
A) to till the ground
B) to supervise the animals
C) around
D) that the Lord God could trust
  • 18. the LORD God planted a garden ______ in Eden:
A) westward
B) eastward
C) northward
D) southward
  • 19. the LORD God put the man into the garden of Eden, to:
A) wait for his wife
B) dress it and to keep it
C) live a quiet life
D) meet with the LORD God
  • 20. the LORD God put the man whom he had formed:
A) in the garden
B) on a mountain
C) outside the garden
D) by the river of life
  • 21. the LORD God took one of Adam's ribs, then:
A) closed up the flesh
B) took a lung also
C) replaced it with another rib
D) took a kidney also
  • 22. the man not permitted to eat of the tree:
A) of the knowledge of good and evil
B) of knowledge and wisdom
C) of eternity
D) of life
  • 23. the tree of knowledge of good and evil was _______ the garden:
A) in the midst of
B) was not in
C) to the east of
D) north of
  • 24. the tree of life was ________ the garden:
A) to the east of
B) was north of
C) in the midst of
D) was not in
  • 25. the trees in the garden were pleasant to the sight:
A) but not good for animals
B) and not to be touched
C) and good for food
D) and not to be touched
  • 26. there went up _______ and watered the whole face of the ground:
A) a great and mighty wave from the sea
B) a fountain
C) a mist from the earth
D) a great waterfall
  • 27. Thus the heavens and the earth were finished:
A) and all the host of them
B) and man was greatly exalted
C) and the angels rejoiced
D) and the oceans roared
  • 28. What did the LORD God do with the rib which He had taken from man:
A) He blessed it
B) He made a woman
C) He caused it to grow
D) He lengthened it
  • 29. What is the name of the FIRST of four rivers that came from Eden?:
A) Pison
B) Hiddekel
C) Gihon
D) Havilah
  • 30. What is the name of the FOURTH of four rivers that came from Eden?:
A) Hiddekel
B) Euphrates
C) Silo
D) Nile
  • 31. What is the name of the SECOND of four rivers that came from Eden?:
A) onyx
B) Hiddekel
C) Havilah
D) Gihon
  • 32. What is the name of the THIRD of four rivers that came from Eden?:
A) Hiddekel
B) Jordon
C) Nile
D) Euphrates
  • 33. Who brought the woman unto the man:
A) the LORD God
B) the angel Gabriel
C) an angel
D) a Cherub
  • 34. Who gave names to every living creature on the earth:
A) Adam
B) the LORD God
C) the angels
D) Adam and Eve
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