Final Exam (Algebra 1)
  • 1. Find the product (9g - 5h)2
A) 81g2 - 25gh + 25h2
B) 81g2 -90gh+25h2
C) 81g2 + 25 h2
D) 81g2 -90gh -25h2
  • 2. Find the product (b + 4)2
A) b2 + 16
B) b2 +8b + 16
C) 2b + 8
D) b2 +16b + 16
  • 3. Determine the best method to solve system of equations. Then solve the system.
A) elimination (-):(12,33)
B) elimination (-):(12,-33)
C) substitution (-):(12,33)
D) substitution(-):(12,-33)
  • 4. Determine whether the graph shows a positive correlation,a negative correlation, or no correlation. If there is a positive or negative correlation, describe its meaning in the situation.
A) negative: as time goes on, more women are in the army.
B) negative: as time goes on,fewer women are in the army.
C) no correlation
D) positive: as time goes on, more women are in the army.
  • 5. Lauren dove a swimming pool from a 15-foot high diving board with an initial upward velocity of 8 feet per second. Find the time t in seconds it took Lauren to enter the water. Use the model for vertical motion given by the equation h= -16t2 +vt + s, where h is height in feet, t is time in seconds, v the initial upward velocity if feet per second. Hint ( let h=0 represent the surface of the pool)
A) 4 s
B) 2s
C) 1.25 s
D) 0.5 s
  • 6. Find the slope of the line that passes through the pair of points: (-4,-4) and ( 2, -2)
A) -3
B) 1/3
C) 3
D) - 1/3
  • 7. Write the equation of the line with the given slope and y-intercept. slope: 9/2 y-intercept : -6
A) y = 9/2 x + 6
B) y = -9/2 x - 6
C) y = 9/2 x-6
D) y = 2/9 x -6
  • 8. Solve the equation. (4y + 8)(3y-2) = 0
A) (-2 , -2/3)
B) ( -2 , 2/3)
C) ( 2/3 , 2 )
D) (3, -2)
  • 9. The polynomial s3 -70s2 + 1500s -10,800 models the profit the company makes on selling an item at a price of s. A second item sold at the same price brings a profit of s3 -30s2 +450s -5000. Write a polynomial that expresses the total profit from the sale of both items.
A) -40s3 + 1050c2 -5, 800
B) 2s3 - 100c2 + 1950s + 15, 800
C) 2s3 + 100c2 + 1950s- 15, 800
D) 2s3 - 100c2 + 1950s- 15, 800
  • 10. Write a direct variation equation that relates the variables. then graph the equation. The total cost is C for n bags of peanuts priced at $ 2.98 per bag. Choose the letter of the correct equation and graph.
A) graph a
B) graph c
C) graph d
D) graph b
  • 11. Solve the inequality. Graph the solution on the number line. y + 5 > -2
A) graph A
B) graph B
C) graph C
D) graph D
  • 12. Find the mean, median, mode and range and standard deviation of the data set obtained after multiplying each value by 3. Round to the nearest tenth. 12,13,14,17,4,19,16,9,9,3,3,9
A) mean; 32 , median: 31.5 , mode: 27, range; 16 standard deviation 5.2
B) mean; 32 , median: 31.5 , mode: 27, range; 48 standard deviation 15.7
C) mean; 32 , median: 31.5 , mode: 27, range; 16 standard deviation 15.7
D) mean; 10.7 , median: 10.5 , mode:9, range; 16, standard deviation 5.2
  • 13. The surface area of a rectangular solid is given by the formula S = 2lw + 2lh + 2wh, where l =length ,w=width, and h=height. Solve for w.
A) D
B) A
C) C
D) B
  • 14. Express each relation as a graph and a table. then determine the domain and range. {(0,-1),(3,4),(-4,-3),(0,-3),(-4,-2)}
A) B
B) A
C) C
D) D
  • 15. Solve the quadratic equation by completing the square. Round to the nearest tenth if necessary. g2 -16g + 26 =0
A) -8, 8
B) -26, -10
C) 13.1, 2.9
D) 14.2 , 1.8
  • 16. Factor 2b2 + 10b + 12
A) prime
B) (b+2)(b+3)
C) 2(b-2)(b-3)
D) 2(b+2)(b+3)
  • 17. Write the equation for the nth term of the sequence -2 , -8, -32, -128...
A) a_n =-2(4)n-1
B) a_n = 4(-2)n
C) a_n =-2(4)n
D) a_n=4(-20)n-1
  • 18. Graph the function y= -x2 + 2
A) C
B) A
C) B
D) D
  • 19. Graph the function y= -2x2 + 5x -2
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
  • 20. Graph the function y= - 2x2 +3x +2
A) B
B) C
C) D
D) A
  • 21. For which 10-year period was the rate of change of the population of Green Bay the greatest? See attached graph.
A) 1975- 1985
B) 1980-1990
C) 1990-2000
D) 1970-1980
  • 22. The cost of 3-large candles and 5 small candles is $6.40. The cost of 4 large candles and 6 small candles is $7.50. Which pair of the equation can be used to determine, t, the cost of the large candle and s, the cost of the small candle?
A) t + s = 6.4 and 4t + 6s = 7.5
B) 3t + 5s = 6.4 and t + s = 7.5
C) 5t +3s = 6.4 and 6t + 4s = 7.5
D) 3t + 5s =6.4 and 4t + 6s = 7.5
  • 23. Find the sum/difference. ( 6x2 -x +1) - (-4 + 2x2 + 8x)
A) 8x2 + 7x + 5
B) 4x2 -9x + 5
C) 4x2 + 9x + 5
D) 8x2 +7x - 3
  • 24. Graph the inequality y > x -1. Choose the letter of the correct graph.
A) D
B) A
C) C
D) B
  • 25. Use the attached graph to determine the number of solutions the systems has. Given: 12x -3y = 3 y = 4x -1
A) two
B) Infinitely many
C) no solution
D) one
  • 26. A daily newspaper had 12,125 subscribers when it began publication. Five years later it had 10,100 subscribers. What is the average yearly rate of change in the number of subscribers for the five-year period?
A) 400 subscriber per year
B) -400 subscriber per year
C) 405 subscriber per year
D) - 405 subscriber per year
  • 27. Brad tossed a baseball in the air from a height of 6 feet with an initial upward velocity of 14 feet per second. Enrique caught the ball on its way down at a point 4 feet above the ground. How long was the ball in the air before Enrique caught it? Use the model for vertical motion given by the equation h = -16t2 + vt + s, where h is height in feet, t is time in seconds, v is the velocity in feet per second and s is the initial height in feet.
A) 0.5 s
B) 2 s
C) 8 s
D) 1 s
  • 28. Graph the equation 3y = 2x - 6. Choose the letter of the correct graph.
A) C
B) A
C) B
D) D
  • 29. Write the equation in slope-intercept form of the graph shown.
A) x = 2/5 y + 2
B) y = 2/5 x + 2
C) y = 2x + 2/5
D) y = 5/2 x + 2
  • 30. Use the scatter plot that shows the number of quarts of strawberries picked each hour. Predict the number the quarts that will be picked in the tenth hour.
A) about 123 quarts
B) about 32 quarts
C) about 34 quarts
D) about 45 quarts
  • 31. Solve the equation by graphing. Given: -2x2 + 4x = 0 Choose the letter of the correct graph.
A) D
B) C
C) A
D) B
  • 32. A moving van has an interior height of 7 feet (84 inches). You have boxes in 12 inches and 15 inches heights, and nd want to stack them as high as possible to fit. Write an inequality that represents this situation.
A) 12x + 7y < or = 84
B) 7x + 15y < or = 84
C) 12x + 15y < or = 7
D) 12x + 15y < or = 84
  • 33. Tamika is stacking boxes of tissues for a store display. Each row of tissue has 2 fewer boxes than the row below. The first row has 23 boxes of tissues. Write a function to represent the arithmetic sequence. How many boxes will there be in the tenth row?
A) a_n = 2n + 25 ; 45 boxes
B) a_n = 5n -23 ; 27 boxes
C) a_n = -2n + 25 ; 5 boxes
D) a_n = 5n - 20 ; 30 boxes
  • 34. Solve the systems of inequality by graphing. Choose the letter of the correct graph.
A) C
B) B
C) D
D) A
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