Teacher | Test name | | Test Type | Date Edited |
Chavan, Pradip - | समानार्थी शब्द 3 (100) | | Matching | 2015.07.28 | Handley, Carmelo - | People's Republic of China proclaimed by Mao Tse-Tung (20) | | Multiple Choice | 2015.07.28 | Chavan, Pradip - | समानार्थी शब्द 2 (100) | | Matching | 2015.07.28 | Ainsworth, Adelaide - | London Eye Observation Wheel (11) | | Multiple Choice | 2015.07.28 | Moran, Cayson - | The Architecture of Prague: From Romanesque to Modernism (8) | | Multiple Choice | 2015.07.28 | Orji, Mercy - Family | Addition (year 5) (5) | | Slides | 2015.07.27 | Aslam, Maleah - | Vancouver Canucks (32) | | Multiple Choice | 2015.07.27 | The Second Congo War (10) | | Multiple Choice | 2015.07.27 | Chavan, Pradip - | 1)living and non living things (20) | | Multiple Choice | 2015.07.26 | shreya (10) | | Multiple Choice | 2015.07.26 | opposite words (100) | | Matching | 2015.07.26 | समानार्थी शब्द १ (50) | | Matching | 2015.07.26 | Thorpe, Kylee - | Phillip II of Spain marries MaryTudor Queen of England Cath. (9) | | Multiple Choice | 2015.07.26 | Chavan, Pradip - | animal and plants (19) | | Multiple Choice | 2015.07.26 | living or non living things (20) | | Multiple Choice | 2015.07.26 | E v s 2)animal and plants (19) | | Multiple Choice | 2015.07.26 | Potchka, Angela - | Chapter 1 test (24) | | Multiple Choice | 2015.07.25 | Davis, Kate - Ashwood College | Applications of quadratics problems (6) | | Slides | 2015.07.25 | |