Chapter 7 Social Studies Test
  • 1. The act created in 1767 put a tax on tea, glass, lead, paint, and paper.
A) Stamp act
B) Tea Act
C) Townshend Act
D) Sugar Act
  • 2. The act passed in 1773 is also known as the Coercive Act.
A) Intolerable Acts
B) Tea Act
C) Townshend Act
D) Stamp Act
  • 3. The tax passed in 1764 that placed a tax on sugar, molasses, and many other imported goods.
A) Tea Act
B) Sugar Act
C) Stamp Act
D) Townshend Act
  • 4. The tax passed in 1765 taxed anything printed on paper
A) Tea Act
B) Coercive Act
C) Sugar Act
D) Stamp Act
  • 5. The Intolerable Acts were passed as a result of the ______________________
A) The Boston Massacre
B) Boston Tea Party
C) The Battle at Bunker Hill
D) The Tea Act
  • 6. Why did British soldiers march to Concord?
A) To pass the tea act
B) To protect the colonists
C) To destroy colonist weapons and military supplies
D) To declare war
  • 7. What group was founded to protest taxation without representation?
A) The Sons of Liberty
B) The loyalists
C) The patriots
D) The Daughters of Liberty
  • 8. The treaty that ended the French and Indian War
A) The Coercive Act
B) The Treaty of Paris
C) The Townshend Act
D) The Proclamation of 1763
  • 9. Why were the colonist upset about new taxes?
A) merchants wanted to tax their own goods
B) the colonists were not members of the East India Company
C) they did not have a voice in passing tax laws
D) the tax money went to the French
  • 10. Which groups fought in the French and Indian War?
A) Britain and Spain
B) France and Britain
C) Britain and the Colonies
  • 11. Who was the King of England during the American Revolution
A) King George III
B) King James I
C) King James III
D) King George I
  • 12. Why did Britain begin taxing the colonies?
A) To pass the tea act.
B) To pay for the French and Indian War
C) To cause a war between Spain and the colonists
  • 13. What was the purpose of the Committees of Correspondence?
A) to warn John Hancock and Samuel Adams of the British advance
B) to convince the colonies to join together
C) to petition King George for lower taxes
D) to share news between colonies
  • 14. What did the Albany Plan propose?
A) the colonies should remain separate
B) the colonies should pay Britain to defend them
C) the colonies should declare independence from Britain
D) Colonies should unite under on common government
  • 15. Which historical figure was an important leader of the Sons of Liberty?
A) Ben Franklin
B) John Hancock
C) George Washington
D) Samuel Adams
  • 16. Who was the commander of the Colonial Army?
A) Samuel Adams
B) John Hancock
C) George Washington
D) Benjamin Franklin
  • 17. What was the result of the Proclamation of 1763?
A) colonists were taxed for sugar, molasses, and cloth
B) fur trading increased
C) Britain gave Spain all land west of the Appalachians
D) colonists were forbidden from settling west of the Appalachian
  • 18. The Second Continental Congress attempted to make peace with Britain when they sent the ___________________to King George III
A) the Treaty of Paris
B) the Albany Plan
C) Olive Branch Petition
D) the Committees of Correspondence
  • 19. What was the purpose of the 1st Continental Congress?
A) to write the Declaration of Independence
B) to create Committees of Correspondence
C) to discuss how to fight the British
D) to discuss how to respond to the Intolerable Acts
  • 20. Who proposed the Albany plan of Union?
A) Benjamin Franklin
B) John Hancock
C) George Washington
D) Sam Adams
  • 21. Why did colonial militia commander William Prescott say, "Do not fire until you see the whites of their eyes!"
A) he wanted revenge against the British
B) he wanted the British to see who was attacking them
C) he wanted the militia to retreat
D) he wanted to conserve ammunition
  • 22. A colonist who opposed British Rule called themselves _______________
A) Redcoats
B) Patriots
C) loyalists
D) Militia
  • 23. What was the purpose of Paul Revere's Midnight Ride?
A) to bring George Washington to his troops
B) to send a letter to Hancock and Adams in Concord
C) To warn the minutemen that the British soldiers were coming.
  • 24. At the Boston Tea Party, the Son of Liberty dressed as _______________________ to throw tea of a ship and into the harbor.
A) Redcoats
B) Indians
C) Loyalists
D) Partiots
  • 25. During the Boston Massacre, ______________________were killed.
A) British soldiers
B) loyalists
C) five colonists including Crispus Attucks
D) minutemen
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