A) 90% B) 71% C) 50% D) 35%
A) Adding sugar B) Freezing C) Boiling D) Mixing oil
A) Red Cross B) Greenpeace C) WHO D) UNICEF
A) Microwaving B) Exposing to sunlight C) Filtration D) Adding salt
A) Dumping in rivers B) Recycling C) Throwing in landfills D) Burning
A) Malaria B) Influenza C) Dengue D) Cholera
A) Increase acidity B) Add nutrients C) Create color changes D) Kill bacteria and viruses
A) Men and boys B) Women and girls C) Government workers D) Private companies
A) A luxury for the wealthy B) Only important for agriculture C) Essential for life and dignity D) Not a priority in society |