Temples and Tombs in Egypt
  • 1. What is the purpose of temples in ancient Egypt?
A) To conduct military operations.
B) To worship gods and goddesses.
C) To store food supplies.
D) To house the pharaoh's family.
  • 2. Which pharaoh is known for building the Great Pyramid of Giza?
A) Khufu
B) Akhenaten
C) Ramses II
D) Tutankhamun
  • 3. Where are the Valley of the Kings and Valley of the Queens located?
A) Alexandria
B) Cairo
C) Luxor
D) Aswan
  • 4. What did ancient Egyptians believe about the afterlife?
A) The deceased would be judged before Osiris.
B) There was no afterlife.
C) Everyone went to the same place after death.
D) The afterlife was only for nobility.
  • 5. Who is the god associated with mummification and the afterlife?
A) Anubis
B) Thoth
C) Hathor
D) Isis
  • 6. What is the purpose of obelisks in ancient Egypt?
A) To hold sacred texts.
B) To store valuables.
C) To mark burial sites.
D) To honor pharaohs and gods.
  • 7. Which famous queen ruled Egypt alongside her brother-husband, Akhenaten?
A) Nefertiti
B) Meritaten
C) Hatshepsut
D) Cleopatra VII
  • 8. Which pharaoh is known for his tomb containing the Book of the Dead?
A) Cleopatra VII
B) Tutankhamun
C) Hatshepsut
D) Ramses II
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