  • 1. What is the largest species of lizard in the world?
A) Komodo Dragon
B) Anole
C) Gila Monster
D) Chameleon
  • 2. Where do most lizards lay their eggs?
A) In the water
B) In nests
C) In the ground
D) In trees
  • 3. What is the typical lifespan of a lizard in captivity?
A) 1-5 years
B) 10-20 years
C) 20-30 years
D) 30-40 years
  • 4. Which lizard is known for its ability to change color to match its surroundings?
A) Chameleon
B) Komodo Dragon
C) Gila Monster
D) Iguana
  • 5. What is the scientific term for shedding skin in lizards?
A) Molting
B) Shedding
C) Ecdysis
D) Regeneration
  • 6. How do lizards regulate their body temperature?
A) Basking in the sun
B) Sweating
C) Huddling together
D) Submerging in water
  • 7. Which lizard is capable of running on water for short distances?
A) Gecko
B) Skink
C) Basilisk Lizard
D) Anole
  • 8. How many legs do most lizards have?
A) Six
B) Eight
C) Four
D) Two
  • 9. Which lizard is famous for its ability to regrow its lost tail?
A) Horned Lizard
B) Uromastyx
C) Monitor Lizard
D) Leopard Gecko
  • 10. What is the primary diet of most lizards?
A) Insects
B) Fish
C) Fruits
D) Plants
  • 11. Which lizard is named after its ability to squirt blood from its eyes as a defense mechanism?
A) Horned Lizard
B) Frilled Lizard
C) Crested Gecko
D) Leopard Gecko
  • 12. What is the name for a group of lizards?
A) Lounge
B) Flock
C) Herd
D) Pod
  • 13. How do most lizards breathe?
A) Through skin
B) Through gills
C) Through spiracles
D) Through lungs
  • 14. What adaptation do some lizards have to help them escape predators by breaking off part of their tail?
A) Caudectomy
B) Tail shredding
C) Regeneration
D) Autotomy
  • 15. Which lizard is known for living in underground burrows and emerging at night to hunt for prey?
A) Gila monster
B) Green anole
C) Chameleon
D) Basilisk lizard
  • 16. What is the name for the specialized skin on a lizard's belly for easier movement on surfaces?
A) Gular scales
B) Subcaudal scales
C) Ventral scales
D) Dermal papillae
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