WoW Review 1 - 18 & class vocab
__1. analyzeA. to compare to show differences
__2. articulateB. to understand
__3. citeC. find likeness
__4. compareD. express clearly
__5. comprehendE. quote
__6. contrastF. Describe in detail
__7. DelineateG. Decide
__8. DemonstrateH. Tell the facts, details
__9. DescribeI. to examine parts
__10. DetermineJ. Show clearly
__11. DevelopA. Elaborate or expand
__12. DistinguishB. Set apart
__13. DrawC. Take or pull out
__14. EvaluateD. Find value; judge
__15. ExplainE. Make a plan or define
__16. IdentifyF. Deduce; conclude
__17. InferG. Put together
__18. IntegrateH. Find; point out
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