A) Rocket B) Satellite C) Space Shuttle D) Orbiter
A) to be the first to orbit Mercury B) first human spacecraft program of the United States, its goal was to put a man into Earth orbit C) objective was to develop space travel techniques to support Apollo's mission D) nickname "Bridge to the Moon"
A) Two B) One C) Thousand D) Hundred
A) Neil Armstrong B) Buzz Aldrin C) Alan Shepard D) Lance Armstrong
A) Intel Space Station B) Interesting Space Stuff C) International Science Station D) International Space Station
A) Explorer I; United States B) Sputnik I; Soviet Union C) Sputnik I; United States D) Explorer I; Soviet Union
A) Mercury Missions, Gemini Missions, Space Shuttles, Apollo B) Mercury Mission, Gemini Mission, Apollo, Space Shuttles C) Gemini Missions, Apollo, Mercury Missions, Space Shuttles D) Gemini Missions, Mercury Missions, Apollo, Space Shuttles
A) escaping the gravitational pull of Earth B) getting the object back to Earth C) escaping the gravitational pull of the moon D) carrying enough fuel
A) Lander B) Orbiter C) Satellite D) Flyby
A) Flyby B) Lander C) Satellite D) Orbiter
A) Flyby B) Satellite C) Lander D) Orbiter
A) Space Shuttle B) Flyby C) Orbiter D) Lander
A) First Satellite, First man in space, First man on the moon, First reusable spacecraft, Building ISS B) First man in space, First Satellite, First man on the moon, First reusable spacecraft, Building ISS C) First man in space, First Satellite, First man on the moon, Building ISS, First reusable spacecraft D) First Satellite, First reusable spacecraft, First man in space, First man on the moon, Building ISS
A) send a human to land on the moon B) send a human to orbit the moon C) send a human to Mars and back D) launch a satellite into Earth's orbit
A) Braces B) firefighting gear C) radial tires D) All of these
A) International Space Station B) Pioneer C) New Horizons D) Sputnik
A) Rockets carry oxygen as part of its fuel supply; jets get oxygen from surrounding air B) Jets carry oxygen as part of its fuel supply; Rockets get oxygen from surrounding air C) Rockets carry oxygen as part of its fuel supply; jets carry oxygen as part of its fuel supply
A) normal B) extreme C) easy D) average
A) monitor weather B) communications C) navigation D) making dinner
A) It was the first rocket to take man into space B) It was the first spacecraft to land back on Earth intact C) It was the first rocket to land back on Earth intact D) It was the first spacecraft to take man into space
A) John Glenn B) Gus Grissom C) Neil Armstrong D) Alan Shepard
A) Alan Shepard B) John Glenn C) Neil Armstrong D) Gus Grissom
A) Crewed missions are cheaper B) Space probes are more dangerous C) Crewed missions are safer D) Space probes are cheaper
A) National Apollo and Science Administration B) National Aircraft and Science Association C) National Alien and Space Association D) National Aeronautics and Space Administration
A) LRO B) ISS C) Space X D) NASA
A) objective was to develop space travel techniques to support Apollo's mission B) objective was to be the first human spaceflight program in the United States C) objective was to develop space travel to land on Mars D) objective to put a man into Earth's orbit
A) running shoes B) lightweight firefighting gear C) Wool Ski gear D) swimming suits for racers
A) you send a space probe B) you send a crewed spacecraft C) none of these D) you send a space shuttle with astronauts
A) Texas B) Alabama C) California D) Florida
A) 1999 B) 1980 C) 1969 D) 1945
A) how they formed B) All of the answers C) what geologic forces are active on them D) can any support life
A) Geology B) Biology C) Astrobiology D) Astronomy
A) Saturn B) Jupiter C) Mars D) Moon
A) Moon; Flyby B) Mars; Flyby C) Mars; Lander D) Moon; Lander
A) Saturn; orbiter B) Jupiter ; orbiter C) Jupiter; Flyby D) Saturn; Flyby
A) Uranus; Flyby B) Uranus;orbiter C) Pluto; orbiter D) Pluto and Farther; Flyby
A) Pluto B) Moon C) Mars D) Mercury
A) Lunar Recall Object B) Lander Recall Orbiter C) Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter D) Lander Reconnaissance Orbiter
A) It is looking for water sources on Mars B) It is looking for life forms C) It is looking for water sources on the Moon D) It is mapping the surface of the moon
A) Lunar refers to landing; Solar refers to surface B) Solar refers to the Sun; Lunar refers to the Moon C) Lunar refers to the Sun; Solar refers to the Moon D) Solar refers to landing; Lunar refers to surface |