AIC SS 2 IRS Exam (2nd Term)
  • 1. 1. What is the English translation of Surah Quraish?
A) The Elephant
B) The Tribe of Quraish*
C) The Victory
D) The Victory
  • 2. 2. Which pillar of Islam does Zakat fall under
A) 2nd
B) 3rd
C) 4th
D) 6th
  • 3. 3. Which city in North Africa was conquered by the Muslims in 647 AD?
A) Tangier
B) Fez
C) Tunis
D) Cairo
  • 4. 4. What is the significance of performing Umrah?
A) It is a minor pilgrimage
B) It is performed in Arafat
C) It can be performed at any time of the year
D) It is obligatory for all Muslims
  • 5. 5. What is the subject of Hadith 15 in Al-Nawawi's collection?
A) Mercy towards animals
B) Excellence of good character
C) Prohibition of Backbiting
D) Hospitality
  • 6. 6. Which social vice is explicitly prohibited in Islam?
A) Kindness
B) Charity
C) Honesty
D) Illegal acts
  • 7. 7. What is the Islamic ruling on consuming intoxicants?
A) Discouraged
B) Recommended for relaxation
C) Prohibited
D) Permissible in moderation
  • 8. 8. The word "The Clot" means?
A) Al Qolaq
B) Al Alaq
C) Al Molaq
D) Al Golaq
  • 9. 9. What is the minimum requirement for a valid Islamic marriage?
A) Consent of both parties
B) Presence of witnesses
C) Dowry
D) Written contract
  • 10. 10. Which term is used to describe an unlawful relationship in Islam?
A) Zina
B) Mahr
C) Talaq
D) Nikkah
  • 11. 11. Which social vice is condemned in Islam due to its harmful effects on individuals and society?
A) Truthfulness
B) Generosity
C) Forgiveness
D) Slander
  • 12. 12. What is the Islamic stance on engaging in dishonest business practices?
A) Condemned as unethical
B) Permissible with good intentions
C) Encouraged for success
D) Recommended for competition
  • 13. 13. What event does Surah Al-'Alaq primarily focus on?
A) The creation of Adam
B) The Night Journey of the Prophet Muhammad
C) The first revelation to the Prophet Muhammad
D) The story of Prophet Moses
  • 14. 14. Which of the following is a key purpose of marriage in Islam?
A) To acquire wealth
B) To fulfill physical desires
C) To gain social status
D) To establish a loving and stable family unit
  • 15. 15. In Islam, what is the role of the wali in the marriage contract?
A) Dowry provider
B) Witness
C) Guardian or protector
D) Imam
  • 16. 16. What is the significance of the phrase "Fa-inna ma'al usri yusra" in Surah Al-Inshirah?
A) Truly, with every difficulty, there is ease
B) Verily, with hardship comes ease
C) Surely, after every hardship, there is ease
D) Indeed, after difficulty, there is relief
  • 17. 17. Who is addressed directly in Surah Al-Inshirah?
A) Abu Qosem
B) All the believers
C) Abu Bakr
D) The Quraysh tribe
  • 18. 18. In Surah Quraish, what is the primary message conveyed to the tribe of Quraish?
A) Call to embrace Islam
B) Warning of impending punishment
C) Gratitude for their sustenance
D) Reminder of the Day of Judgment
  • 19. 19. Which Islamic month is Zakat performed in?
A) Non
B) Ramadan
C) Muharram
D) Shaban
  • 20. 20. What is the significance of Mount Arafat during Hajj?
A) Standing in prayer
B) Stoning of the Devil
C) Tawaf around the Kaaba
D) Key ritual on the Day of Arafat
  • 21. 21. The saying "So when you have finished [your duties], then stand up [for worship]." is followed by
A) And from are the best of provisions
B) And to your Lord is your return
C) And to your Lord direct [your] longing.
  • 22. 22. "Did He not make their plan into misguidance?" is in Suratul
A) Fil
B) Falaq
C) Masad
D) Qariah
  • 23. 23. The Surah that talked about Elephant consist of ___ verses
A) 6
B) 5
C) 7
D) 4
  • 24. 24.
    وَمَنْ كَانَ يُؤْمِنُ بِاَللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ فَلْيُكْرِمْ جَارَهُ،
    Can be found in hadith
A) 16
B) 15
C) 13
D) 17
  • 25. 25. Minna is associated with
A) Hajj
B) Manners
C) Guest
D) Adab
  • 26. 26.. Hadith 16 was in authority of
A) Abu Hurayrah
B) Abu Ruqoyyah
C) Bukhari
D) Muslim
  • 27. 27. A servant when he prays? is preceded
A) Have you seen the one who forbids
B) Have you seen the one who rejected
C) Have you seen the one who snubbed
  • 28. 28.
    خَلَقَ ٱلْإِنسَٰنَ مِنْ عَلَقٍ
A) Created man from a clinging substance
B) Created from clay
C) Created by the two discharge of both sex
  • 29. 29. Mahr can be associated with,
A) Reward
B) Zakat
C) Marriage
D) Compensation
  • 30. 30. Forced marriage are strictly
A) Encouraged
B) Prohibited
C) Exchanged
  • 31. 31. Marriage between close relatives is
A) Invalid
B) Rejected
C) Valid
D) Cancelled
  • 32. 32. Al- Juhfah is located ___ north west of mecca
A) 120
B) 110
C) 180
D) 200
  • 33. 33. The spread of Islam to Egypt and other part of Africa was in
A) 4th century
B) 7th century
C) 3rd century
D) None of the above
  • 34. 34. What is the term for the Islamic declaration of faith?
A) Ijmah
B) Shahadah
C) Toharoh
  • 35. 35. Which angel is responsible for taking the soul?
A) Mika'il
B) Israfil
C) Jibril
D) Malaqul Maut
  • 36. 36. Who succeeded Prophet Muhammad as the leader of the Muslims?
A) Abu musa
B) Ali ibn abi Talib
C) Uthman ibn Affan
D) Abu Aisha
  • 37. 37. Abu Bakr is known to be a soft
A) Man from Yemen
B) Man from Mecca
C) Man from Egypt
  • 38. 38. What is the meaning of the Arabic term "Doifa" in Islam?
A) Weak
B) Sincere
C) Stranger
  • 39. 39. The term Sahur is associated with
A) Sawm
B) Zakat
C) Hajj
  • 40. 40. Sawm can be permanently be exempted if one is
A) Accident
B) Sickness
C) Brest feeding
D) Old age
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