The Mysterious Disappearance of the Mona Lisa
  • 1. Who painted the Mona Lisa?
A) Vincent van Gogh
B) Leonardo da Vinci
C) Michelangelo
D) Pablo Picasso
  • 2. In which year did the Mona Lisa go missing from the Louvre?
A) 1799
B) 1895
C) 1911
D) 1925
  • 3. Who confessed to stealing the Mona Lisa?
A) Queen Elizabeth I
B) Napoleon Bonaparte
C) Pablo Escobar
D) Vincenzo Peruggia
  • 4. How many years was the Mona Lisa missing before it was recovered?
A) 10
B) 50
C) 2
D) 25
  • 5. Which French king once hung the Mona Lisa in his bathroom?
A) Philip II
B) Francis I
C) Henry VIII
D) Louis XIV
  • 6. What is the Mona Lisa painted on?
A) Wood
B) Stone
C) Metal
D) Canvas
  • 7. In which room of the Louvre was the Mona Lisa displayed before it was stolen?
A) The Grande Galerie
B) The Apollo Gallery
C) Salon Carré
D) The Salle des États
  • 8. Who was the director of the Louvre at the time of the Mona Lisa theft?
A) Catherine de' Medici
B) Théophile Homolle
C) Napoleon Bonaparte
D) Marie Antoinette
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