Level placement test
  • 1. Kate ______ from Germany.
A) are
B) be
C) am
D) she's
E) is
  • 2. What’s ______ name?
A) your
B) you've
C) you
D) you're
E) yours
  • 3. Mark ______ in London.
A) works
B) is work
C) work
D) worker
E) does working
  • 4. Where ______?
A) lives you
B) is you live
C) does you live
D) live you
E) do you live
  • 5. I ______ rain
A) liken't
B) isn't like
C) aren't like
D) not like
E) don't like
  • 6. Katrina doesn’t like ______ in the morning.
A) to getting up
B) getting up
C) get up
D) gotting up
E) got
  • 7. Randolf can’t ______ very well.
A) be able to
B) driving
C) drive
D) to drive
E) drives
  • 8. What ____________ at the moment?
A) you do
B) do you
C) am I do
D) are you doing
E) do you do
  • 9. Oliver is interested ______ art.
A) at
B) in
C) about
D) to
E) of
  • 10. A dog is an animal ______ walks on four legs.
A) what
B) who
C) whose
D) who's
E) which
  • 11. What ______? It looks delicious.
A) is he eating
B) does he eating
C) eating he
D) he's eating
E) does he eat
  • 12. Julian is ______ person I’ve ever met.
A) the most nice
B) a nice
C) the nicer
D) the nicest
E) the more nicest
  • 13. ______ meet Paolo for lunch tomorrow.
A) I going to
B) I'm to
C) I'll will to
D) I'm going to
E) I'll be
  • 14. That’s the guy ______ uncle lives next door to me.
A) of which
B) who'se
C) which
D) of that
E) whose
  • 15. I ______ a really funny YouTube video when you called me.
A) am watching
B) watched
C) was watching
D) had watched
E) have watched
  • 16. I’m afraid I can’t meet you tomorrow. ______ lunch with an old friend.
A) I will have
B) I have
C) I've had
D) I've been at
E) I'm having
  • 17. We need to hurry up. We have ______ time left.
A) a lot
B) few
C) a little
D) little
E) a few
  • 18. "______ sushi?" "Yes, many times."
A) Do you ever eaten
B) Had you ever eating
C) Have you ever eaten
D) Did you ever eat
E) Are you ever eaten
  • 19. Would you mind ______ me a little later?
A) calling
B) call
C) called
D) if you call
E) to call
  • 20. Can you tell me where ______ last night?
A) have you gone
B) did you go
C) have you been
D) you went
E) you've been
  • 21. When ______ here, I’ll tell you everything.
A) you'll have gotten
B) you're getting
C) you've gotten
D) you get
E) you'll get
  • 22. If I ______ you, I’d go to bed early.
A) would have been
B) am
C) would be
D) had been
E) were
  • 23. It’s the end of the match! Spain ______ the World Cup!
A) had won
B) is winning
C) won
D) have won
E) has won
  • 24. Michael works for BP and ______.
A) I so too
B) so am I
C) so do I
D) so have I
E) do so I
  • 25. I regret ______ the purple dress.
A) not to buy
B) haven't bought
C) not buying
D) not buy
E) not have bought
  • 26. Where would you live if you ______ to live anywhere?
A) would choose
B) can choose
C) could have choose
D) could choose
E) should have chosen
  • 27. What ______ if you won the lottery?
A) did you do
B) would you do
C) do you do
D) will you do
E) should you have done
  • 28. I wish I ______ so many problems right now.
A) wouldn't have
B) weren't
C) haven't
D) didn't have
E) hadn't had
  • 29. If only John ______ to my party tonight!
A) would have come
B) was coming
C) will come
D) comes
E) is coming
  • 30. We should ______ that he wouldn’t come to the party.
A) know
B) knew
C) know
D) have known
E) had known
  • 31. The side mirror of my car is broken. I need to ______. Do you know a good mechanic?
A) fix it
B) fixing it
C) have it fixed
D) have fixed it
E) fixed it
  • 32. Rosie isn’t picking up her phone. She could ______.
A) sleep
B) be sleeping
C) sleeping
D) have slept
E) to sleep
  • 33. Joe told me that ______ for over an hour.
A) he waits
B) he'd been waiting
C) he will have wait
D) he's waited
E) he's waiting
  • 34. If I ______ about your problem, I would have tried to help you.
A) would know
B) have known
C) knew
D) had known
E) would have known
  • 35. I’d rather you ______ me every five minutes!
A) wouldn't call
B) don't call
C) not called
D) won't call
E) not call
  • 36. By this time next year, ______ a new car.
A) I'll have been buying
B) I'll be having bought
C) I'll buy
D) I'll be buying
E) I'll have bought
  • 37. Our next lesson is ______ Tuesday.
A) hereby
B) for
C) on
D) at
E) in
  • 38. Alison ______ 12 years old.
A) has
B) have
C) are
D) has got
E) is
  • 39. I ______ home at 6 o’clock every day.
A) open
B) get
C) live
D) move
E) journey
  • 40. Jane usually ______ shopping on Saturdays.
A) goes
B) makes
C) keeps
D) gets
E) takes
  • 41. I always ______ TV in the evening.
A) see
B) listen to
C) look at the
D) hear
E) watch
  • 42. Peter never ______ the dishes after dinner.
A) takes
B) does
C) look at
D) makes
E) runs
  • 43. I never ______ rock music.
A) watch
B) hear
C) listen to
D) feel
E) see
  • 44. I always ______ sightseeing when I travel.
A) get
B) go
C) feel
D) take
E) move
  • 45. What clothes do you ______ at work?
A) get
B) use
C) wear
D) take
E) carry
  • 46. "Can you pass me the salt?" "______."
A) Go ahead
B) You're welcome
C) No, thanks
D) Yes, please
E) Here you are
  • 47. Can you give me a ______ to the station?
A) hand
B) break
C) journey
D) sign
E) lift
  • 48. "Would you like a dessert?" "No, thanks. Just the ______, please."
A) bill
B) receipt
C) ticket
D) invoice
E) billboard
  • 49. I can’t hear anything. Can you ______ the volume?
A) turn over
B) turn in
C) pump down
D) turn down
E) turn up
  • 50. I went to the bakery to buy a ______ of bread.
A) loaf
B) jar
C) packet
D) can
E) tin
  • 51. You look different today. Have you ______ your hair?
A) curlyed
B) dyed
C) drawn
D) tanned
E) painted
  • 52. Can you ______ me your dictionary? I’ll give it back to you later.
A) lend
B) owe
C) borrow
D) rent
E) land
  • 53. Jack has made a lot of money this year. He can ______ a luxury holiday.
A) allow
B) afford
C) grant
D) rent
E) earn
  • 54. When Joe found out that his wife was using his credit card again, he started to see ______.
A) red
B) blue
C) yellow
D) grey
E) green
  • 55. Carl ______ stealing the car radio, but nobody believed him.
A) said
B) told
C) denied
D) informed
E) admitted
  • 56. It looked like a very interesting job, so I decided to ______ for it.
A) ask
B) apply
C) register
D) submit
E) candidate
  • 57. During the meeting, Samuel argued that we need to hire more staff in order to develop the business. He made a good ______.
A) sale
B) point
C) opinion
D) piece
E) story
  • 58. We couldn’t see the sun. The sky was completely ______.
A) overcome
B) overcoasted
C) overcast
D) overcovered
E) overcoated
  • 59. The police arrested Derek for ______. He was caught with a stolen television set.
A) burglary
B) rob
C) bribery
D) mugging
E) assault
  • 60. I was over the ______ when I found out that I’d aced the English exam.
A) fence
B) moon
C) world
D) head
E) hill
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