RPH Quiz 1
  • 1. A set of rules that guides how a country, state, or other political organization works.
A) Constitution
B) Vision
C) Creed
D) Mission
  • 2. When do we celebrate our Constitution day?
A) January 2
B) March 2
C) April 2
D) February 2
  • 3. What is the present constitution of the Philippines
A) 1987 Constitution
B) 1973 Constitution
C) 1935 Constitution
D) 1995 Constitution
  • 4. What is the importance of a Constitution
A) Maintain law and order
B) It doesn't impose rules and regulation
C) All of these
D) It gives the government unlimited power
  • 5. The 1897 Constitution is also called as
A) The Constitution of Biak-na-Bato
B) Martial Law
C) Malolos Constitution
D) Freedom Constitution
  • 6. It is called as the Malolos Constitution
A) 1973 Constitution
B) 1899 Constitution
C) 1935 Constitution
D) 1897 Constitution
  • 7. The 1986 Constitution is widely known as the :
A) Malolos Constitution
B) Freedom Constitution
C) Constitution of Biak-na-Bato
D) Commonwealth Constitution
  • 8. An introductory statement in a document that explains the document’s purpose and underlying philosophy by the power ordaining it.
A) Preamble
B) Section
C) Creed
D) Article
  • 9. What is the Filipino-Spanish Truce called
A) Treaty of Tordesillas
B) The pact of Biak-na-Bato
C) Treaty of Paris
D) Treaty of Versailles
  • 10. The preamble came from the latin word:
A) Preambulare
B) Ethos
C) Prembulae
D) Perembulere
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