Ss1 Islamic Studies (Assignment 1st Term)
  • 1. 1. Which surah is known as "The Opening"?
A) Suratul Quraish
B) Suratul Fathia
C) Suratul Baqarah
D) Suratul Nas
  • 2. 2. Ayatul Kursiyy is found in which surah?
A) Suratul Baqarah
B) Suratul kahf
C) Suratul Mulk
D) Suratul Nissa
  • 3. 3. Which hadith talks about intentions?
A) Hadith 2
B) Hadith 4
C) Hadith 3
D) Hadith 1
  • 4. 4. What is the concept of "Ibadah" in Islam?
A) Pilgrimage
B) Worship
C) Charity
D) Fasting
  • 5. 5. What does "Taharah" refer to in Islamic teachings?
A) Purification
B) Charity
C) Prayer
D) Fasting
  • 6. 6. What was the period of ignorance and idol worship before the advent of Islam called?
A) Shahada
B) Jahiliyyah
C) Zakat
D) Hijrah
  • 7. 7. Which surah/Ayah is known as "The Throne Verse"?
A) Surah Al-Ikhlas
B) Surah Al-Fatiha
C) Suratul Mariam
D) Ayatul-Kursi
  • 8. 8. What is the significance of the Night of Power (Laylat al-Qadr) in Islam?
A) The night of the first revelation to Prophet Muhammad
B) The night of the Prophet's birth
C) The night when the Quran was revealed
D) The night of the Battle of Badr
  • 9. 12. Which surah is known as "The Cow"?
A) Suratul Al Nasr
B) Suratul Baqarah
C) Suratul Inshiqoq
D) Suratul Al Ikhlas
  • 10. 13. What is the name of the foster mother of the Prophet?
A) Khodijah
B) Amina
C) Halimah
D) Haliyah
  • 11. 14. How old was Muhammad when He lost His father?
A) 2
B) 1 and half
C) 6
D) None of the above
  • 12. 15. What is the name of the Cave Jubril visited the Prophet?
A) Hilal
B) Hud
C) Sofa
D) Hira
  • 13. 16. What is the main reason for the first Hijrah to Abyssinia?
A) Protect the powerless
B) Prophet the clan of Quraysh
C) Spread the call
D) Spread the Muslims around the world
  • 14. 17. Who was the prominent companion that accompanied the Muslim on the first Hijrah?
A) Musab bin Umair
B) Uthman bin AFFAAN
C) Umar ibn al-Khattab
D) Umair bin Lubaba
  • 15. 18. What is the name of khodijah cousin, she took the Prophet to?
A) Hashim
B) Warsh
C) Waroqah
D) Waqofah
  • 16. 19. The Prophet Grand father named him Muhammad because " He want him
A) To be remembered by the Kuraysh
B) To be praised by Angels
C) To be praised Allah
D) To be praised by the people of Makkah
  • 17. 20. The Prophet married khodijah when she was?
A) 40
B) 44
C) 45
D) 24
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