George Orwell writes 1984
  • 1. Who is the author of the book '1984'?
A) Aldous Huxley
B) Philip K. Dick
C) George Orwell
D) Ray Bradbury
  • 2. In which year was the novel '1984' first published?
A) 1974
B) 1949
C) 1954
D) 1969
  • 3. What is the name of the protagonist in '1984'?
A) Winston Smith
B) David Anderson
C) Michael Taylor
D) John Doe
  • 4. Who is the leader of the Party in '1984'?
A) The President
B) Big Brother
C) The Chairman
D) The Supreme Leader
  • 5. What is the forbidden act of thought in '1984' called?
A) Thoughtcrime
B) Thinkwatch
C) Ideatrack
D) Mindbreak
  • 6. Which government organization observes and punishes citizens for thoughtcrime in '1984'?
A) Think Force
B) Mind Guard
C) Thought Police
D) Idea Patrol
  • 7. What is the slogan of the Party in '1984'?
A) Freedom is War, Strength is Slavery, Peace is Ignorance
B) War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength
C) Peace is War, Slavery is Freedom, Knowledge is Ignorance
D) Unity is Power, Equality is Prosperity, Knowledge is Victory
  • 8. What is the name of the device through which the Party monitors its citizens in '1984'?
A) ViewPanel
B) ScreenWatch
C) VisioMonitor
D) Telescreen
  • 9. Who is Winston Smith's love interest and fellow rebel in '1984'?
A) Julia
B) Mary
C) Emma
D) Sarah
  • 10. What is the main language spoken in the dystopian world of '1984'?
A) Newspeak
B) Doublespeak
C) Oldspeak
D) Thoughtspeak
  • 11. Who betrays Winston and Julia to the Thought Police in '1984'?
A) Parsons
B) Charrington
C) O'Brien
D) Syme
  • 12. What is the name of the secret organization that opposes the Party in '1984'?
A) The Alliance
B) The Rebels
C) The Brotherhood
D) The Opposition
  • 13. What is the historical event that the Party uses to maintain power in '1984'?
A) The eternal peace
B) The prosperous alliance
C) The great revolution
D) The perpetual war
  • 14. What is the punishment for committing thoughtcrime in '1984'?
A) Re-education
B) Detention
C) Exile
D) Vaporization
  • 15. What is the primary setting of the novel '1984'?
A) Oceania
B) Eastasia
C) Airstrip One
D) Eurasia
  • 16. What is the government's main political ideology in '1984'?
A) Capitalism
B) Neopuritanism
C) Ingsoc
D) Anarchism
  • 17. What is the system of control through misinformation and manipulation in '1984' known as?
A) Thoughtswap
B) Doublethink
C) Realityshift
D) Mindmeld
  • 18. At what government ministry does Winston work in '1984'?
A) Ministry of Truth
B) Ministry of Peace
C) Ministry of Plenty
D) Ministry of Love
  • 19. What forbidden act does Winston commit that starts his rebellion in '1984'?
A) Speaking in rhyme
B) Dancing in public
C) Writing in a diary
D) Singing a song
  • 20. What is the term for erasing or altering written records to manipulate the past in '1984'?
A) Fiction pit
B) Memory hole
C) History vault
D) Truth trap
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