English A1 test. by Egna Sofía Sánchez
Read carefully the following questions and answer them.
    TO YOUR    A1 ENGLISH        TEST 

Sofia and Pedro 
Complete the sentences with To Be verb.
My name          is         Carolina.  
I        am         Antonio.    
You      are          in the park. 
in his twenty, he's in his forty.

in love.
Complete the sentences using the right word.

is a beautiful kitty .
isn't a long pencil.
are my sneakers.
aren't colors, they are pencils
Choose the best option to describe the image.
The boy is: 
Sad and Hungry
Selfish and Angry
Happy and Sleepy
They ......
aren't happy
are married
are two pretty boys
are in love
Complete the sentences using present simple.
My mother 
meat, She's vegetarian.
The bird 
to London
Listen carefully the following audio and answer the questions.

  • 13. Why does he like pizza?
A) He can eat it cold
B) It is not expensive
C) He can eat it every day

  • 14. Why else does he like pizza so much?
A) It is easy to eat
B) There is lots of variety
C) It has all the food groups
Can he make pizza?
yes, very well
Yes, but not well
No, not at all
What does the mouse promise the lion?
To help him one day.
To take him for a walk.
To eat him with sauce.
How does the mouse help the lion?
He eat through the rope to free the lion.
He chews through the rope to free the lion.
He cuts through the rope to free the lion.
What was the object that hurt the tiger's leg?
A stick
A thorn
A strow

  • 19. Why the tiger didn't kill the man.
A) Because he was sad
B) Because he was vegan
C) Because the man helped him

  • 20. Iaian Armitage is very passionate about:
A) Science and Acting
B) Teather and Math
C) Teather and Magic

  • 21. Jim Parson is a great acting coach also: he is really
A) Boring
B) Angry
C) Funny

  • 22. Does Iaian like fast food?
A) He doesn't talk about it
B) No, he doesn't
C) Yes, he do
Hi, I'm Colleen, and I'm eighteen years old, and work 
part-time, at a restaurant called Chuck-E-Cheese's. It is a restaurant for families with young childrenwhere the kids can play while the parents eat their meals. We serve mostly pizza and sandwiches and we holdbirthday parties for the children, usually between theages of one and ten.It is a good restaurant for families because the parents can relax while the kids have fun.
What food does the restaurant mostly serve?
Why does the speaker say this is a good restaurant 
for families?
Parents can relax.
It serves children's food.
Employees play with the children.
Parents can play games.
A place for parents to leave their children
Where the speaker's family celebrates birthdays
Where the speaker works
A family business
What topic are they talking about?
A: "Why the long face?"
B: "I'm getting sick of work man. I can't take the political bull in the company any more."
A: "Did you just get your review or something?"
B: "Yeah, but that's not why I am upset. I justfound out another guy got a promotion. He doesn't know how to do anything. Hesits there and kisses the managers butt all day long."
A: "That sucks."
B: "I'm just pissed that management can't see behind his smooth talking lies."
A: "Look on the bright side. At least you have a job."
B: "Yeah. I shouldn't stress about this anymore. It'snot like I can do anything about it."
A: "Exactly. Instead, we should have some drinks tonight."
B: "How about a cold bottle of beer."
A: "Now you're talking."
What does having a long face represent?
The face is not short
Represent unhappiness
The face is narrow but long
Represent Happiness
What happened at work that caused the long face?

A different person got a promotion 
He got a promotion 
He got a raise
He lost his job
What topic are the talking about?
Fun classes at school
Been busy at work
Drinking and partying.
Stress from work
What do they plan on drinking?
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