Building a Website
  • 1. Building a website involves the process of designing, developing, and launching a digital platform that is accessible over the internet. This process typically includes planning the site structure and layout, creating visual elements such as graphics and images, writing code to implement functionality, testing the site for usability and performance, and finally deploying it to a web server. Building a successful website requires a combination of technical skills, creativity, and attention to detail to create a site that is informative, engaging, and user-friendly for visitors.

    What is the purpose of HTML in web development?
A) To animate elements on a webpage
B) To define the style and layout of a webpage
C) To interact with databases
D) To structure the content of a webpage
  • 2. Which language is commonly used for adding interactivity to a webpage?
A) JavaScript
C) Python
  • 3. What does CSS stand for?
A) Cascading Style Sheets
B) Coded Script Styles
C) Computer Screen Standards
D) Creative Style Selector
  • 4. Which programming language is commonly used for server-side scripting?
A) Swift
B) Java
D) Ruby
  • 5. What does SEO stand for in the context of websites?
A) Search Engine Optimization
B) Social Engagement Outreach
C) Security Encryption Operation
D) Site Enhancement Optimization
  • 6. Which file extension is commonly used for Cascading Style Sheets?
A) .php
B) .css
C) .js
D) .html
  • 7. What is the role of a web server in website hosting?
A) To manage the website's domain name
B) To secure the website's data
C) To deliver web content to users
D) To design the website's layout
  • 8. What does UX design focus on in website development?
A) Understanding XML files
B) Ultra-fast website loading
C) User experience
D) Utilizing XAMPP server
  • 9. Which tool is commonly used for version control in web development?
A) FileZilla
B) Notepad++
C) Adobe Photoshop
D) Git
  • 10. What is a CMS used for in website creation?
A) Content Management System
B) Customized Module Structure
C) Coding Material Serializer
D) Creative Multimedia Solution
  • 11. Which protocol is commonly used for transferring web pages securely?
  • 12. What is the purpose of alt text in website images?
A) To watermark the image
B) To hide the image from search engines
C) To provide a text alternative for screen readers
D) To add metadata for SEO
  • 13. Which of the following is an example of a front-end framework?
A) Django
B) AngularJS
C) Bootstrap
D) Node.js
  • 14. What is a wireframe used for in website design?
A) To manage website content
B) To add animations to the website
C) To test website performance
D) To visualize the layout and structure of a webpage
  • 15. What is a sitemap in the context of web development?
A) An interactive web form
B) A tool for browser testing
C) A type of server hosting
D) A list of pages on a website accessible to users and search engines
  • 16. What is a responsive image in web design?
A) An image with embedded links
B) An image that adjusts its size based on the screen resolution
C) An image hidden from mobile devices
D) An image optimized for printing
  • 17. What is the purpose of a hosting service in website creation?
A) To design website graphics
B) To make a website accessible on the internet
C) To code interactive animations
D) To manage website users
  • 18. What is the purpose of a database in web development?
A) To create graphical content
B) To store and manage website data
C) To define website styles
D) To host website files
  • 19. Which file is typically used for server configuration on Apache servers?
A) robots.txt
B) sitemap.xml
C) favicon.ico
D) .htaccess
  • 20. What is the purpose of AJAX in web development?
A) To create dynamic images
B) To encrypt website data
C) To compress website files
D) To update parts of a webpage without reloading the entire page
  • 21. What does CDN stand for in the context of web hosting?
A) Centralized Domain Name
B) Cascading Database Network
C) Custom Design Navigator
D) Content Delivery Network
  • 22. Which web technology is commonly used for real-time communication?
B) Cookies
C) WebSockets
  • 23. What does HTML stand for?
A) High Tech Machine Learning
B) Hyperlink and Text Markup Language
C) Hypertext Markup Language
D) Home Tool Management Language
  • 24. Which tag is used to define an image in HTML?
A) <imgsrc>
B) <picture>
C) <img>
D) <image>
  • 25. What does HTTP stand for in website URLs?
A) Hyperlink Test Pattern
B) Hostile Traffic Prevention
C) High-Tech Processing Platform
D) Hypertext Transfer Protocol
  • 26. Which element is mandatory in an HTML document?
A) <body>
B) <div>
C) <html>
D) <title>
  • 27. What does URL stand for in the context of websites?
A) User Registration List
B) Universal Reading Language
C) Unique Router Link
D) Uniform Resource Locator
  • 28. What does FTP stand for in the context of websites?
A) Fast Text Processing
B) File Transfer Protocol
C) Form Template Platform
D) Full Time Program
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