World History Challenge 2
  • 1. Between which two rivers is the heartland of China found?
A) Pacific Ocean and Anatolia
B) Huang He and Chang Jiang
C) Huang He and Yellow Sea
D) Huang Sea and Jiang Sea
  • 2. What family obligations did a Chinese person have?
A) Respect for the emperor, Respect for the men, Respect for money
B) Respect for one's parents; the elder men controlled the family's property; women were treated as inferiors.
C) Women were treated as inferiors unless they married well, gave birth to sons, all the men in their family died.
D) Respect for one's parents; the elder men controlled the money, women could control their lives.
  • 3. How is the dynastic cycle connected to the Mandate of Heaven?
A) The mandate of heaven explained why the dynastic cycle happened.
B) Because a just ruler had divine approval.
C) Old dynasty is seen as having lost Mandate of Heaven; rebellion is justified.
D) New dynasty gains power, restores peace and order, and claims to have Mandate of Heaven.
  • 4. How did the social classes in Shang society differ from those in Egyptian society?
A) Egyptians had mummification process and the Chinese believed in after life spirits.
B) Egyptians used pyramids and the Chinese temples.
C) Chinese rulers were warrior kings and Egyptian rulers were considered gods.
  • 5. What was the great advantage of the Chinese written language?
A) The number of written characters to be memorized.
B) People in all parts of China could learn the same system of writing, even if their spoken languages were different.
C) Each character stands for one syllable or unit of language.
D) The number of literate and educated Chinese people that it produced.
  • 6. What is the meaning of Huang He?
A) yellow river
B) flowing river
C) Chinese river
  • 7. Why is the river in China called yellow river?
A) Because it deposits huge amounts of yellowish silt when it overflows its banks.
B) Because there is yellow sand at the bottom.
C) Because the sun makes it look yellow.
  • 8. What is the silt, fertile soil, from the Huang He called?
A) sand
B) dirt
C) loess
D) silt
  • 9. Why was the Huang He sometimes called "China's Sorrow"?
A) Because it made the Chinese sad.
B) Because it could devour whole villages.
C) Because it destroyed crops.
  • 10. Early Chinese settlers had to supply their own goods rather than trading with outside peoples because of their relative geographic isolation.
  • 11. Who is the Peking man?
A) a Homo habilis skeleton found near Beijing.
B) a Homo erectus skeleton found near Beijing.
C) a Homo erectus found near Peking.
D) China's first emperor.
  • 12. Who were the first family of Chinese rulers to leave written records?
A) Anyang Dynasty
B) Zhou Dynasty
C) Shang Dynasty
D) Xia Dynasty
  • 13. Who was Shang Di?
A) The supreme god the Shang people worshiped.
B) The supreme ruler
C) One of China's emperors.
  • 14. Why did the kings scratch questions on oracle bones, animal bones, and tortoise shells?
A) To see the future.
B) To consult the gods and get answers to solve issues.
C) To ask for permission.
  • 15. Who were a group of nomadic people who may have come from the steppes?
A) Jews
B) Chinese
C) Indo-Europeans
D) Hindi
E) Buddhists
  • 16. What are dry grasslands that stretched north of the Caucasus?
A) Cliffs of Russia
B) Caucasus Mountains
C) Mountain Range
D) Steppes
  • 17. What are the Caucasus?
A) Mountains located in China.
B) Mountains located between the Black and Caspian seas.
C) Mountains located near the Huang He.
  • 18. An Indo-European people who settled in Anatolia around 2000 BC.
A) Hittites
B) Shangs
C) Steppes
  • 19. The Southwest Asian peninsula now occupied by the Asian part of Turkey- also called Asia Minor.
A) Hittites
B) Aryans
C) Anatolia
D) Huang He
  • 20. An Indo-European people who, about 1500 BC began to migrate into the Indian subcontinent.
A) Anatolia
B) Aryans
C) Hittites
D) Shangs
  • 21. Four collections of sacred writings produced by the Aryans during an early stage of their settlement in India.
A) Brahmin
B) Torah
C) Vedas
D) Mahabharata
  • 22. The Indo-Europeans herded what animals?
A) Cats, dogs, and sheep.
B) Goats, cattle, and sheep.
C) Goats and Dogs
  • 23. What did Hittites excel in?
A) War and Art.
B) Science and Art.
C) Art and Innovation.
D) Technology of war.
  • 24. What did the Hitties create for war?
A) Guns
B) Spears
C) Knives
D) Chariot
  • 25. Impure people who were commonly butchers or gravediggers who lived outside of the caste system.
A) Untouchables
B) Artisans
C) Slaves
D) Peasants
  • 26. Which religion cannot be traced back to one founder with a single set of ideas?
A) Buddhism
B) Christianism
C) Hinduism
D) Judaism
  • 27. A state of perfect understanding of all things.
A) Moksha
B) Brahman
C) Karma
D) Dharma
E) Nirvada
  • 28. Rebirth of the soul or spirit in different bodies over time.
A) moksha
B) reincarnation
C) afterlife
D) holy ghost
  • 29. The good or bad energy a person builds up based upon whether he or she lives a good or bad life
A) karma
B) moksha
C) nirvana
D) dharma
  • 30. What were the personalities of the three gods for Brahman?
A) Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva
B) Vishnu, Dharma, and Shiva
C) Brahma, Moksha and Shiva
D) Dharma, Nirvana and Karma
  • 31. Religion founded by Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha; taught that the way to find truth was to give up all desires.
A) Buddhism
B) Hinduism
C) Judaism
D) Jainism
  • 32. Belief that everything in the world has a soul and should not be harmed.
A) Hinduism
B) Jainism
C) Buddhism
D) Judaism
  • 33. What does enlightment mean?
A) truth
B) power
C) knowledge
D) wisdom
  • 34. What does Buddha mean?
A) The enlightened one.
B) The powerful one.
C) The knowledgeable one
  • 35. Ideas that Buddha discovered after 49 days of fasting and meditation.
A) Four Life Truths
B) Four Commandments
C) Four Noble Truths
D) Four Horsemen of the Appocalyps
  • 36. What is the first noble truth?
A) Life is filled with suffering and sorrow.
B) Desire for pleasures in the world is the cause for all suffering.
C) Overcome desires and attain enlightenment.
D) End suffering by ending all desires.
  • 37. What is the second noble truth?
A) Overcome desires and attain enlightenment.
B) Desire for pleasures in the world is the cause for all suffering.
C) End suffering by ending all desires.
D) Life is filled with suffering and sorrow.
  • 38. What is the third noble truth?
A) End suffering by ending all desires.
B) Life is filled with suffering and sorrow.
C) Overcome desires and attain enlightenment.
D) Desire for pleasures in the world is the cause for all suffering.
  • 39. What is the fourth noble truth?
A) Desire for pleasures in the world is the cause for all suffering.
B) Life is filled with suffering and sorrow.
C) Overcome desires and attain enlightenment.
D) End suffering by ending all desires.
  • 40. What symbolizes the eightfold path?
A) Ladder
B) Staricase
C) Steppes
D) Escalator
  • 41. Release from selfishness and pain.
A) Dharma
B) Moksha
C) Karma
D) Nirvana
  • 42. The Buddha accepted many gods and he taught a way to enlightenment.
  • 43. Community of Buddhist monks and nuns.
A) Moksha
B) Sangha
C) Nalanda
D) Dharma
  • 44. Buddhist doctrine or teachings.
A) Moksha
B) Sangha
C) Dharma
D) Nalanda
  • 45. Ancient home of the Hebrews.
A) Babylonia
B) Canaan
C) Palestine
D) Egypt
  • 46. Father of the Hebrew people & the founder of Judaism.
A) Yahweh
B) Moses
C) Abraham
  • 47. What does Canaan mean?
A) Jewish land.
B) Fertile land.
C) Promised land.
  • 48. The individual who led the Hebrews from slavery/Egypt in an event known as the Exodus. Received the 10 Commandments from Yahweh.
A) Abraham
B) David
C) Moses
D) Exodus
  • 49. The event where Moses led the Hebrew people out of Egypt and slavery.
A) Exodus
B) Genesis
C) Deuteronomy
  • 50. The place where Moses received the 10 Commandments.
A) Red Sea
B) Mt. Caucasus
C) Mt. Everest
D) Mt. Sinai
  • 51. The laws given to Moses and became the basis for the civil & religious laws of Judaism.
A) Martial Laws
B) Torah
C) Ten commandments
D) Sacred writings
  • 52. First five books of the Hebrew bible.
A) Old Testament
B) Torah
C) Ten commandments
  • 53. Who were the three kings under which the Hebrews united?
A) Saul, David, and Solomon
B) Abraham, Moses, Jesus
C) Balthazar, Gaspar, and Melchior
  • 54. Which of the following is an example of the ten plagues?
A) Cancer
B) Droughts
C) Famine
D) Death of the First Born
  • 55. How was the Hebrew kingdom divided?
A) Israel in the North and Judah in the South
B) Canaan in the North and Palestine in the South
C) Judah in the North and Israel In the South
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