Renewable Energy Sources
  • 1. Which renewable energy source relies on the Earth's internal heat?
A) Biomass
B) Hydropower
C) Geothermal
D) Wave
  • 2. What technology is used to harness energy from wind?
A) Hydroelectric dams
B) Geothermal pumps
C) Turbines
D) Solar panels
  • 3. Which renewable energy source is generated by converting the kinetic energy of flowing water into electricity?
A) Wind
B) Solar
C) Hydropower
D) Biomass
  • 4. Which of the following is an environmental benefit of using renewable energy sources?
A) Reduced greenhouse gas emissions
B) Ocean acidification
C) Deforestation
D) Increased air pollution
  • 5. What is the term used to describe energy derived from the motion of waves and tides?
A) Geothermal energy
B) Wave energy
C) Wind energy
D) Solar energy
  • 6. What does PV stand for in relation to solar energy technology?
A) Pump volume
B) Pressure vessel
C) Photovoltaic
D) Peak voltage
  • 7. Which country is the largest producer of wind energy?
A) China
B) Germany
C) India
D) United States
  • 8. Which renewable energy source is most reliant on the availability of sunlight?
A) Solar
B) Geothermal
C) Wind
D) Hydropower
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