Biblical studies/Sacred scripture
  • 1. Biblical studies, also known as Sacred Scripture, is the academic study of the Bible - the sacred texts of Judaism and Christianity. This interdisciplinary field examines the historical, cultural, literary, and religious dimensions of the Bible, seeking to understand its origins, development, interpretation, and impact on society. Scholars in Biblical studies analyze the texts themselves, as well as their historical context, authorship, transmission, and interpretation over time. Through this study, individuals gain insights into the diverse cultures, beliefs, and practices preserved in the pages of the Bible, and how these ancient texts continue to shape faith, morality, and theology in contemporary society.

    Who is considered to be the author of the Book of Revelation?
A) Paul
B) Isaiah
C) John
D) David
  • 2. Which prophet is known for the story of being swallowed by a great fish and surviving in its belly for three days?
A) Isaiah
B) Jeremiah
C) Jonah
D) Ezekiel
  • 3. In the Bible, who is known for interpreting dreams in the court of Pharaoh in Egypt?
A) Joseph
B) Solomon
C) Moses
D) Aaron
  • 4. Which book in the Bible is known for containing the Ten Commandments?
A) Deuteronomy
B) Numbers
C) Leviticus
D) Exodus
  • 5. Who is known as the first king of Israel?
A) David
B) Samson
C) Solomon
D) Saul
  • 6. Which disciple famously denied Jesus three times?
A) Peter
B) Matthew
C) John
D) Thomas
  • 7. According to the Bible, who was the father of Isaac?
A) Moses
B) Jacob
C) Abraham
D) Joseph
  • 8. Who was known as the wisest man to have ever lived in the Bible?
A) Samuel
B) David
C) Solomon
D) Joseph
  • 9. Which event marks the birth of the Christian church in the Bible?
A) Purim
B) Pentecost
C) Passover
D) Tabernacles
  • 10. Who wrote most of the Psalms in the Bible?
A) David
B) Moses
C) Abraham
D) Solomon
  • 11. Which prophet is known for his prophecies concerning the coming of the Messiah?
A) Isaiah
B) Jeremiah
C) Daniel
D) Elijah
  • 12. Who was the first high priest of Israel?
A) Eli
B) Moses
C) Aaron
D) Samuel
  • 13. In which city was Jesus born according to the Bible?
A) Bethlehem
B) Nazareth
C) Capernaum
D) Jerusalem
  • 14. Who was the father of John the Baptist in the Bible?
A) Joseph
B) Zechariah
C) Simeon
D) Gabriel
  • 15. Which of Jesus' apostles was known for doubting the resurrection until he saw Jesus with his own eyes?
A) Andrew
B) Philip
C) Judas
D) Thomas
  • 16. What is the first book of the New Testament in the Bible?
A) John
B) Mark
C) Matthew
D) Luke
  • 17. Who was the disciple that betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver?
A) Andrew
B) Judas Iscariot
C) Thomas
D) Simon Peter
  • 18. Which biblical figure is known for being thrown into a den of lions and miraculously surviving?
A) Isaiah
B) Elijah
C) Jonah
D) Daniel
  • 19. Who led the Israelites across the Jordan River into the Promised Land?
A) Aaron
B) Joshua
C) Caleb
D) Moses
  • 20. Which woman in the Bible is known for being a judge and prophetess?
A) Sarah
B) Deborah
C) Esther
D) Ruth
  • 21. Who was the great grandmother of King David?
A) Rebekah
B) Ruth
C) Esther
D) Sarah
  • 22. Who led the Israelites out of Egypt and through the Red Sea?
A) Joshua
B) Gideon
C) Moses
D) Aaron
  • 23. In which city did Jesus perform his first miracle of turning water into wine?
A) Cana
B) Bethlehem
C) Nazareth
D) Jerusalem
  • 24. How many books are in the New Testament?
A) 39
B) 40
C) 27
D) 66
  • 25. Which book comes first in the Old Testament?
A) Genesis
B) Numbers
C) Leviticus
D) Exodus
  • 26. Who was known for building the ark?
A) Moses
B) Abraham
C) Noah
D) Joseph
  • 27. In the New Testament, which woman was healed by touching Jesus' cloak?
A) Woman with the issue of blood
B) Mary Magdalene
C) The woman at the well
D) Anna
  • 28. Which king saw the writing on the wall during a feast?
A) Darius
B) Nebuchadnezzar
C) Belshazzar
D) Cyrus
  • 29. Who was the first woman in the Bible?
A) Rebekah
B) Sarah
C) Eve
D) Miriam
  • 30. Which prophet called down fire from heaven in a contest with the prophets of Baal?
A) Isaiah
B) Elisha
C) Jeremiah
D) Elijah
  • 31. In the parable of the Good Samaritan, who passed by the wounded man first?
A) Priest
B) Levite
C) Robber
D) Samaritan
  • 32. Which Old Testament character lived to be 969 years old?
A) Noah
B) Adam
C) Methuselah
D) Abraham
  • 33. Who was the judge who defeated the Midianites with only 300 men by the power of God?
A) Deborah
B) Samson
C) Jephthah
D) Gideon
  • 34. On what mountain did Moses receive the Ten Commandments?
A) Mount Zion
B) Mount Sinai
C) Mount Carmel
D) Mount Horeb
  • 35. In the parable of the Prodigal Son, what did the son ask for from his father?
A) His inheritance
B) A house
C) A new robe
D) A feast
  • 36. Which of the four Gospels is the earliest and shortest?
A) Luke
B) Matthew
C) Mark
D) John
  • 37. What did Jesus turn water into at the wedding in Cana?
A) Wine
B) Milk
C) Juice
D) Oil
  • 38. What is the first miracle performed by Jesus in the New Testament?
A) Feeding the 5000
B) Walking on water
C) Healing a blind man
D) Turning water into wine
  • 39. How many days and nights did it rain during the Great Flood in the story of Noah?
A) 20
B) 40
C) 100
D) 7
  • 40. Into how many languages was the Bible originally translated?
A) Five
B) Seven
C) One
D) Three
  • 41. What did Jesus say while being crucified according to the Bible?
A) Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.
B) You are all condemned.
C) I will be back.
D) This is the end.
  • 42. In the Bible, how many loaves of bread and fish did Jesus use to feed the multitude of 5000?
A) Five loaves and two fish
B) Three loaves and one fish
C) Seven loaves and three fish
D) Ten loaves and four fish
  • 43. Who was chosen to replace Judas Iscariot as one of the twelve apostles?
A) Barnabas
B) Simon
C) Silas
D) Matthias
  • 44. What is the last book of the New Testament?
A) Jude
B) Hebrews
C) Revelation
D) 2 Peter
  • 45. What city did Jonah try to flee to instead of going to Nineveh?
A) Bethlehem
B) Nazareth
C) Jericho
D) Tarshish
  • 46. How many plagues did God send upon Egypt before Pharaoh let the Israelites go?
A) 10
B) 3
C) 5
D) 7
  • 47. Which city did David conquer and establish as the capital of the united Kingdom of Israel?
A) Bethlehem
B) Jerusalem
C) Samaria
D) Hebron
  • 48. Which book comes before Psalms in the Bible?
A) Proverbs
B) Isaiah
C) Job
D) Genesis
  • 49. In the parable of the prodigal son, who asks for his inheritance early then squanders it?
A) Father
B) Servant
C) Elder son
D) Younger son
  • 50. Who is known as the 'weeping prophet' in the Old Testament?
A) Amos
B) Jeremiah
C) Hosea
D) Isaiah
  • 51. What type of wood was Noah instructed to use to build the ark?
A) Gopher wood
B) Pine wood
C) Oak wood
D) Cedar wood
  • 52. Who was the mother of Jesus?
A) Mary
B) Sarah
C) Ruth
D) Elizabeth
  • 53. Which of the following books is not considered one of the Major Prophets in the Old Testament?
A) Jeremiah
B) Isaiah
C) Ezekiel
D) Amos
  • 54. Which Psalm begins with 'The Lord is my shepherd'?
A) Psalm 51
B) Psalm 23
C) Psalm 1
D) Psalm 119
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