- 1. _____________ is the largest terrestrial planet.
A) Saturn B) Jupiter C) Earth D) Venus
- 2. The most abundant gas in Earth's atmosphere is:
A) carbon dioxide B) nitrogen C) argon D) oxygen
- 3. The largest ocean in the solar system is on Jupiter and made of:
A) carbon B) oxygen C) water D) hydrogen
- 4. What is the density of water?
A) 10 g/mL B) 5 g/mL C) .01 g/mL D) 1 g/mL
- 5. It takes Mercury ________ days to orbit the sun.
A) 26.4 B) 88 C) 28 D) 128
- 6. Due to its size, it is sometimes called Earth's twin:
A) Venus B) Neptune C) Uranus D) Mars
- 7. This planet is known for appearing so spin sideways:
A) Jupiter B) Uranus C) Neptune D) Saturn
- 8. A/An _________________ is a large body of air with similiar characteristics such as temperature and humidity.
A) cold front B) warm front C) air mass D) prediction
- 9. The planet whose mass is close to 300 times that of Earth is:
A) Uranus B) Jupiter C) Neptune D) Saturn
- 10. What is the shape of our galaxy?
A) horizontal B) Spiral C) circular D) elliptical
- 11. What is a specific object that has broken off an asteroid and travels through space?
A) comet B) meteoroid C) asterite D) mereorite
- 12. What type of star is considered cool and small?
A) red dwarf B) white dwarf C) green dwarf D) blue dwarf
- 13. What is a factor that determines a star's brightness?
A) density B) gas C) color
- 14. What galaxy is closest to our own galaxy?
A) Black Eye Galaxy B) Andromeda C) Comet Galaxy D) Milkey Way
- 15. Which planet has a thick atmosphere AND a low density?
A) Mars B) Uranus C) Earth D) Venus
- 16. What is the object that is made up of frozen gas and has a visible tail, pointing away from the sun?
A) asteroid B) meteor C) mereorite D) comet
- 17. What tool that is sent to investigate deep space and transmit their findings back to Earth?
A) rover B) comet C) telescope D) space probe
- 18. What object looks like a streak of light in the sky but is a small chunk of rock passing through Earth's atmosphere?
A) comet B) planet C) asteroid D) meteor
- 19. What is another way planets move in space other than revolve around the sun?
A) fly B) horizontally C) Rotate on its axis D) sideways
- 20. The sun consists of _________% of the mass in our solar system.
A) 62 B) 50 C) 99 D) 25
- 21. This needs to be a complete answer for full credit. WHY do the planets orbit the sun?
- 22. How long does it take light to travel from the sunto the Earth?
A) 8 minutes B) 8 years C) 8 seconds D) 8 hours
- 23. Earth is found in a region of space called the:
A) terrestrial B) fun C) habitable
- 24. The early astronomer that first observed the moons of Jupiter in 1610 was :
A) Galileo B) Newton C) Da Vinci
- 25. Originally, people thought that the sun revolved around the Earth. This is called:
A) heliocentric B) geocentric
- 26. WHAT is an AU. You must have a definition and also include the distance it is.
- 27. Which two planets have the least moons?
A) Earth and Mercury B) Mercury and Venus C) Mars and Venus D) Mercury and Neptune
- 28. What tool that is used to observe other galaxies that was put in space on April 24, 1990?
A) Hubble Telescope B) ISS C) Starlink Satellites
- 29. What is the name of galaxy that Mars belongs to?
A) Milky Way B) Andromeda C) Black Eye Galaxy
- 30. What planet has a feature known as the Great Dark Spot?
A) Neptune B) Saturn C) Jupiter
- 31. How does red giant compare to our sun, a red dwarf, and a blue dwarf?
A) Its the brightest B) it is the biggest C) it is the farthest
- 32. What medium yellow star that only seems huge because of its location compared to others?
A) Orion B) Betelgeuse C) Our Sun
- 33. What planet has the hottest in our solar system?
A) Mars B) Venus
- 34. Tell me why, in at least two sentences why the hottest planet in our solar system is so hot. You will have to obviously list which one it it.
- 35. A/an____________ are large bodies of air with similiar characteristics such as temperature and humidity.
A) lightning storm B) occluded front C) cold front D) air mass
- 36. Air masses are moved aroubd by _____________
A) prevailing winds B) humidity C) air masses D) cold fronts
- 37. ____________ is the measure of how much water vapor is in the air.
A) water vapor B) humidity C) meteorology D) weather front
- 38. Areas closer to the _________ are warmer because the sunlight is more direct.
A) south pole B) ring of fire C) north pole D) equator
- 39. A ____________ happens when eruptions occur when the loops in sunspot regions suddenly connect.
A) Nuclear fusion B) Solar wind C) Convection zone D) Solar flares
- 40. The layer of the sun's atmosphere that looks like a halo during an eclipse is:
A) core B) chromosphere C) corona D) sunspot