Information system
  • 1. An information system is a coordinated system involving people, technology, processes, and data to collect, process, store, and disseminate information for decision-making and problem-solving. It encompasses hardware, software, networks, databases, and communication technologies to manage and analyze data, facilitate communication, and support organizational operations. Information systems play a crucial role in modern business environments by enabling efficient operations, strategic decision-making, and competitive advantage through the effective management and utilization of data and information.

    What is the role of a Chief Information Officer (CIO) in a company?
A) To oversee the organization's information technology strategy.
B) To handle human resources operations.
C) To manage the sales department.
D) To conduct financial audits.
  • 2. What is the purpose of a Business Process Reengineering (BPR) initiative?
A) To outsource IT operations.
B) To enhance customer service.
C) To increase employee salaries.
D) To redesign and improve business processes.
  • 3. What is the purpose of a content management system (CMS)?
A) To design clothing.
B) To transport goods.
C) To build physical structures.
D) To create, manage, and publish digital content.
  • 4. How does a Geographic Information System (GIS) utilize information?
A) By writing novels.
B) By composing music.
C) By producing movies.
D) By analyzing and visualizing spatial data.
  • 5. What is the purpose of a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system?
A) To develop video games.
B) To repair electronic devices.
C) To recycle waste materials.
D) To manage interactions with customers and potential customers.
  • 6. What is the purpose of a Supply Chain Management (SCM) system?
A) To produce electricity.
B) To clean windows.
C) To manage the flow of goods and services from supplier to customer.
D) To provide legal advice.
  • 7. What does SCM stand for in the context of supply chain management?
A) Supply Chain Management.
B) Software Configuration Management.
C) Security Compliance Measures.
D) System Compatibility Monitoring.
  • 8. How does a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system help businesses?
A) By organizing holiday events.
B) By training circus animals.
C) By constructing buildings.
D) By improving customer engagement and loyalty.
  • 9. What does CAD stand for in the context of information systems?
A) Customer Account Database.
B) Cybersecurity Attack Detection.
C) Cloud Application Development.
D) Computer-Aided Design.
  • 10. What is the role of a Chief Security Officer (CSO) in an organization?
A) To oversee information security measures and policies.
B) To manage marketing campaigns.
C) To operate heavy machinery.
D) To design clothing.
  • 11. What is the purpose of a Data Warehouse in an information system?
A) To centralize and store large amounts of data for analysis.
B) To take care of pets.
C) To bake cakes.
D) To monitor traffic flow.
  • 12. What is the primary role of a Chief Technology Officer (CTO) in a company?
A) To perform financial audits.
B) To lead the technological development and innovation.
C) To conduct legal investigations.
D) To paint portraits.
  • 13. Which component of an information system stores data long-term?
A) Monitor
D) Database
  • 14. Which programming language is commonly used for developing web-based information systems?
A) JavaScript
B) Python
C) Java
D) C++
  • 15. In the context of information systems security, what does the CIA triad stand for?
A) Computer Information Architecture
B) Cybersecurity Incident Analysis
C) Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability
D) Certified Information Assurance
  • 16. Which type of information system is designed to support operational activities?
A) Enterprise Resource Planning System
B) Transaction Processing System
C) Decision Support System
D) Management Information System
  • 17. What does LAN stand for in the context of information systems?
A) Low-latency Application Network
B) Longitudinal Analysis Network
C) Local Area Network
D) Large Access Node
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