multiple choice exam
  • 1. What is focus
A) The location where an earthquake waves begin
B) The surface of the earthquake where the wave stard
C) The end of the seismic waves
D) The center of the earthquake
  • 2. What scale measures the magnitude of an earthquake
A) Weighing scale
B) Richter scale
C) Spring scale
D) Mercalli scale
  • 3. What is centered on the portion of the fault that has the greatest movement
A) Surface
B) Focus
C) Epicenter
D) Ground
  • 4. What point on Earth's surface is directly above the focus
A) Epicenter
B) Fault
C) Magnitude
D) Focus
  • 5. What is referred to as measure of the amount released in an earthquake
A) Tension
B) Stress
C) Intensity
D) Magnitude
  • 6. What is the shaking of the surface of the earth resulting from a sudden release of energy in the Earth's lithosphere that create seismic waves
A) Intensity
B) Earthquake
C) Magnitude
D) Epicenter
  • 7. What are the three types of faults?
A) Strike slope, normal and reverse fault
B) Strike slip, normal and revise fault
C) Strike slide, normal and reverse fault
D) Strike-slip, normal and reverse fault
  • 8. What is the instrument that used to record Earthquakes?
A) Mercalli
B) Richter
C) Seismograph
D) Weighting scale
  • 9. The size of the earthquake is called
A) Intensity
B) Focus
C) Magnitude
D) Epicenter
  • 10. In which of these places will an intense earthquake likely happen?
A) Near coastal area
B) Along inactive fault
C) Near a mountain
D) Along active fault
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