British Wildlife
  • 1. British Wildlife: The diverse and rich natural habitats of the British Isles provide a home to a wide array of fascinating wildlife species. From the elusive red squirrel darting among the trees to the majestic red deer roaming the moors, each creature plays a unique role in the delicate ecosystem. The crystal-clear waters are home to playful otters and colorful kingfishers, while the skies are filled with the graceful flight of birds such as the red kite and the skylark. With its lush forests, rolling hills, and rugged coastlines, Britain is a veritable paradise for nature enthusiasts and a sanctuary for precious wildlife populations.

    What is the national bird of the United Kingdom?
A) Swan
B) Robin
C) Red kite
D) Puffin
  • 2. Which of the following animals is native to Britain?
A) Black bear
B) Red squirrel
C) Raccoon
D) Bald eagle
  • 3. Which wild animal species is considered a symbol of Scotland?
A) Badger
B) Otter
C) Red deer
D) Hedgehog
  • 4. Which animal is known for its distinctive black and white stripes?
A) Badger
B) Polecat
C) Otter
D) Stoat
  • 5. Which wild mammal in Britain is nocturnal and eats insects?
A) Red squirrel
B) Otter
C) Badger
D) Hedgehog
  • 6. What is the term for a male deer in Britain?
A) Boar
B) Stag
C) Buck
D) Ram
  • 7. Which animal is called a 'stoat' in its white winter coat phase?
A) Pine marten
B) Ferret
C) Weasel
D) Ermine
  • 8. What is the national flower of Scotland?
A) Bluebell
B) Thistle
C) Rose
D) Daffodil
  • 9. Which bird is known for its distinctive bright blue and orange plumage?
A) Goldfinch
B) Kingfisher
C) Sparrow
D) Blue tit
  • 10. Which animal is known for its ability to hold its breath underwater for up to 8 minutes?
A) Otter
B) Mink
C) Seal
D) Dolphin
  • 11. Which bird species is known for its loud 'drumming' call in spring?
A) Blackbird
B) Great spotted woodpecker
C) Robin
D) Dove
  • 12. Which bird of prey is known for its ability to hover while hunting for small mammals?
A) Falcon
B) Kestrel
C) Vulture
D) Eagle
  • 13. Which bird is known for its acrobatic flight and distinctive screeching call?
A) Swift
B) Robin
C) Blackbird
D) Swallow
  • 14. Which species of owl is known for its distinctive 'tu-whit tu-whoo' call?
A) Little owl
B) Tawny owl
C) Barn owl
D) Long-eared owl
  • 15. What is the big cat species that is native to Britain?
A) Leopard
B) Puma
C) Lynx
D) Scottish wildcat
  • 16. What species of reptile is the only venomous snake found in the UK?
A) Slowworm
B) Adder
C) Smooth snake
D) Grass snake
  • 17. What is the UK's smallest bird species?
A) Robin
B) Goldcrest
C) Great tit
D) Blue tit
  • 18. What is the largest species of bat found in the UK?
A) Noctule
B) Pipistrelle
C) Brown long-eared bat
D) Natterer's bat
  • 19. Which small mammal is known for its distinctive pointy nose and long tail?
A) Hedgehog
B) Shrew
C) Mole
D) Vole
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