• 1. What is different between the proportion of the upper group and lower group who got an item right?
A) reliability
B) discrimination index
C) difficult index
  • 2. how do final grades in every learning area computed in the K to 12 curriculum?
A) dividing the sum of all final grades by the total number of learning areas
B) multiplying and dividing the final grades
C) getting the sum of all final grades
  • 3. it is a scoring method that lists the criteria for a piece of work, or "what counts" from excellent to poor
A) criteria
B) performance tasks
C) assessment
D) rubrics
  • 4. what type of grading system is used when the grade of a student in a grading period equals his current grading period grade which is assumed to have the cumulative effects of the previous grading periods?
A) cumulative grading system
B) averaging system
C) none of these
  • 5. what is the process of examining answer to questions in order to assess the quality of individual test items and test it self?
A) reability
B) item analysis
C) item difficulty
D) item validity
  • 6. if the value of the test reliability is 80 to 90, it means that the question.
A) excellent reliable
B) very good for a classroom test
C) need for revision
D) questionable reliable
  • 7. what grading system promotes competition to the extent that student would rather not help fellow student because by doing so, the mean of the class would be raised and consequently it would be more difficult to get higher grade?
A) both grading system
B) criterion-referenced grading
C) neither of the two system
D) norm-referenced grading
  • 8. w
A) test reliability
B) test validation
C) test standardization
D) test difficult
  • 9. what grading system is based on a fixed criterion measure wherein there is a fixed target and the student must achieve that target in order to obtain a passing grade?
A) neither of the two
B) norm-referenced grading
C) criterion-referenced grading
  • 10. if a student grade in Filipino is below 75, what remarks will the teacher give
A) passed
B) failed
C) cannot be determined
  • 11. what DepEd order is used in assessment during the new normal?
A) DO 27, s 2021
B) DO 8, 2015
C) DO 31, s 2020
  • 12. what are the weights of the components for SHS core subject?
A) written-35%, performance=40% & QA=25%
B) written-25%, performance=45% & QA=30%
C) written-20%, performance=60% & QA=20%
D) written-25%, performance=50% & QA=25%
  • 13. a table used in measuring criterion-related validity. this table consist of the predictor categories listed on the left hand side and the criterion categories listed horizontally along the top of the chart
A) Expectancy table
B) item analysis table
C) Reliability table
  • 14. these are defining aspects of rubrics
A) all of the above
B) descriptions of the level of performance
C) criteria that describe the qualities that you and student
  • 15. Consider the following sets of scores in Math 10 class for two sections of 10 students each: A= (30,40,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,85), B= (60,65,70,75,80,85,90,90,95,100). The student who got a raw score of 75 in Class A would get a grade of 80% while in Class B, it would correspond to a raw score of 90. Which class would student prefer to get higher grades?
A) Class A
B) Class B
C) Both class
  • 16. A commonly used grading system wherein a student's grade is placed in relation to the performance of a group?
A) criterion-referenced
B) Standardize
C) Norm-referenced
  • 17. What DepEd Order highlights the Classroom Assessment for K to 12 Basic Education?
A) DO 73, s. 2012
B) DO 12, s. 2021
C) DO. 8, s. 2015
D) DO 31, s.2020
  • 18. One of the most difficult challenge in designing rubrics is the use of clear, precise and language.
A) concise
B) difficult
C) easy
  • 19. An alternative grading system that is used especially when the student's work to be evaluated is highly subjective, there are no generally accepted standard gradiations, or the critical requirement is meeting a single satisfactory standard.
A) Graded Evaluations
B) Non-Graded Evaluations
C) Pass-Fail System
  • 20. It provide test information that teachers can use to improve the way they teach, the way they assess, and the way they score tests.
A) Item Difficult
B) Item Analysis
C) Item Discrimination
D) item Validation
  • 21. It is the extent to which a test measures what it purpose to measure or as referring to the appropriateness, correctness, meaningfulness and usefulness of the specific decisions a teacher makes based on the test results.
A) Validity
B) Reliability
C) Difficulty
  • 22. Psychometric instruments whose scoring systems are developed by norming the test using national samples of test-takers, centering the scoring formula to assure that the likely score distribution describes a normal curve when graphed, and then using the resulting scoring system uniformly in a manner resembling a criterion-referenced approach.
A) Formative tests
B) Standardized tests
C) T-test
D) summative tests
  • 23. DO 8, s. 2015 states that a Final grade of 75 or higher means that the student should be
A) Retained in the same grade level
B) must pass remedial class
C) Promoted to the next grade level
  • 24. The ability of an item to differentiate among students on the basis of how well they know the material being tested.
A) Validation
B) Difficulty
C) Discrimination
D) Reliable
  • 25. An alternative grading systems that is usually based on a belief that grades introduce an inappropriate and distracting element of competition into the learning process. It produces grades or convert their student evaluations into formulae acceptable to authorities who require traditional measures of performance.
A) Pass-Fail System
B) Graded Evaluations
C) Non-Graded Evaluations
  • 26. A type of criterion-related validity wherein test scores in the instrument are correlated with scores on a later performance.
A) oncurrent validity
B) predictive validity
C) construct-related evidence of validity
  • 27. A scoring method that lists the criteria for a piece of work, or what "counts".
A) performance Tasks
B) Rubrics
C) Performance Based Tests
  • 28. What type of rubric is best for summative assessments?
A) Holistic
B) Eclectic
C) Analytic
  • 29. t is a process of examining the students' response to individual item in the test.
A) Discrimination index
B) Item Validation
C) Item difficulty
D) Item Analysis
  • 30. In creating rubrics, can we include the students in assessing their classmates work
A) Maybe
B) Yes
C) No
  • 31. It is the process of collecting and analyzing evidence to support the meaningfulness and usefulness of the test.
A) Reliability
B) discrimination
C) Criterion
D) Validation
  • 32. It is defined as the number of students who are able to answer the item correctly divided by the total number of students.
A) Item Discrimination
B) Reliability
C) Item Difficulty
D) Item Validation
  • 33. he first suggested step in creating rubrics is
A) Show students examples of good and not-so- good work.
B) Describe the best and worst qualities.
C) Identify the qualities.
D) Give the students their task
  • 34. TVL, Sports, & Arts and Design Track for SHS were given a percentage of _% for performance tasks.
A) 70%
B) 60%
C) 50%
  • 35. The following terms must be used in crafting or designing rubrics EXCEPT
A) clear
B) precise
C) Innovative
D) Concise
  • 36. What is the power of the item to discriminate the students between those who scored high and those who scored low in the overall test?
A) Difficulty Index
B) Item Analysis
C) Item Validation
D) Discrimination Index
  • 37. What is the relationship between validity and reliability?
A) If an instrument is unreliable, it is valid
B) As validity improves, reliability does not improved
C) As reliability improves, validity may improve
  • 38. t refers to the nature of the psychological construct or characteristic being measured by the test.
A) construct-related evidence of validity
B) predictive validity
C) criterion-related evidence of validity
  • 39. Work immersion is required for SHS TVL/Sports/Arts & Design Track. What are the percentage composition of work immersion?
A) Written-35%, Performance =40% & QA= 25%
B) Written-25%, Performance =45% & QA= 30%
C) Written-20%, Performance =60% & QA= 20%
  • 40. It refers to the proportion of number of students in the upper and lower groups who answered an item correctly.
A) Item Validation
B) Difficulty Index
C) Item Analysis
D) Discrimination Index
  • 41. this is an example of rubrics that delineates the desired characteristics of quality in ways students can understand.
A) exemplar
B) evaluation
C) assessments
  • 42. What component in DO 8, s. 2015 is no longer a part of the assessment in the new normal?
A) Quarterly Assessment
B) Performance Assessments
C) Written Assessments
  • 43. It describes the level of mastery (exceed expectation, meets expectation, doesn't meet expectation). What essential feature of rubrics is this?
A) task description
B) components
C) Scale
D) criteria
  • 44. In this type of rubric, all criteria are evaluated simultaneously. Scoring is faster on this type of rubric.
A) analytic
B) systematic
C) holistic
  • 45. What is a test map that guides the teacher in constructing a test?
A) Table of Specification
B) Item Analysis
C) Item Validation
D) test-draft
  • 46. An item has a discriminating power of 0.40. This means that the item is
A) Very easy
B) very difficult
C) moderately difficult
  • 47. What are the weights of the components for Grades 1-10 in Languages/AP/EsP.
A) Written-40%, Performance =40% & QA= 20
B) Written-30%, Performance=50% & QA= 20%
C) Written-20%, Performance =60% & QA= 20
  • 48. What type of test is designed to assess students on what they know, what they are able to do and the learning strategies they employ in the process of demonstrating it?
A) Multiple-Choice Tests
B) rue-False Tests
C) Performance-Based Tests
D) Matching Type Tests
  • 49. How do the Final grades in each learning area and the General average reported in the School Report Card?
A) Up to two digit
B) Whole numbers
C) Either of the two
  • 50. It refers to the consistency of the scores obtained.
A) Validity
B) Difficulty
C) Reliability
  • 51. Quizzes and long tests are examples of
A) Performance Tasks
B) Quarterly Assessment
C) Written works
  • 52. For Senior High Schools, what determines the Final Grade of a student in a semester?
A) Second Quarter only
B) Both Quarters
C) First Quarter only
  • 53. DO 8, s. 2015 is entitled
A) Guidelines on Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Program
B) Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education Program
C) Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment
  • 54. What type of test is given to find out where the students are or to determine their entry of knowledge or skills so teacher knows how to adjust instruction?
A) Formative test
B) post test
C) pretest
  • 55. What do we call to the percentage of students who answered a test item correctly?
A) Item Validity Index
B) Discrimination Index
C) Item Difficulty Index
  • 56. ubrics have two major parts coherent sets of criteria and description of levels of
A) activities
B) performance
C) assessments
  • 57. The benefits derived from Item Analysis are as follows except
A) It provides insights and skills that lead to the preparation of better tests in the future.
B) t provides data which helps students improve their learning.
C) It provides useful information for class discussion of the test.
D) The effectiveness of each alternative
  • 58. atima received an initial grade of 84.86 in Science which when transmuted becomes 90. What is the equivalent of 90?
A) Fairly Satisfactory
B) Satisfactory
C) Very Satisfactory
D) Outstanding
  • 59. The weights of the components for the different grade levels and subjects are as follows EXCEPT
A) Performance tasks
B) Quarterly assessment
C) Written work
D) Attendance
  • 60. A test that has a reliability value of 0.90 and above means that the test has a/an
A) Very good for classroom tests
B) Somewhat low
C) excellent reliabilit
D) questionable reliabilit
  • 61. For Science and Math subjects during the new normal, written works and performance tasks were given a percentage of
A) 40%/60%
B) 30%/70%
C) 50%/50%
  • 62. one of the essential feature of Rubrics is this: the task students that are expected to produce or perform;
A) components
B) task description or descriptive title
C) criteria
D) scale
  • 63. In this phase, the teacher revise or replace an item based on the result of the item analysis
A) Try-out phase
B) Item revision phase
C) item-analysis phase
  • 64. An assessment used for non-objective type of test that assess performance of learners
A) Oral Assessment
B) Written Assessment
C) Rubrics Assessment
  • 65. What are the two important characteristics of an item that will be of interest of the teacher?
A) Item Validation and Analysi
B) Item Difficulty and Discrimination Index
C) Item Validity and Reliability
  • 66. A type of rubric wherein each criterion is evaluated separately. It is good for formative assessment.
A) systematic
B) analytic
C) holistic
  • 67. A table used in measuring criterion-related validity. This table consists of the predictor categories listed on the left hand side and the criterion categories listed horizontally along the top of the chart.
A) Expectancy table
B) Item Analysis Table
C) Reliability
  • 68. What are the three domains of learning?
A) Cognitive, Affective, Psychomotor
B) Cognitive, Affective, Skill
C) Cognitive, Skills, Psychomotor
D) Psychomotor, Affective, Evaluate
  • 69. Which of the following theorists identified the three domains of learning?
A) Benjamin Bloom
B) B.F. Skinner
C) Jean Piaget
D) Lev Vygotsky
  • 70. What type of objective is this. "To provide instruction that will enable the pupils to understand their immediate physical environment by using their senses, questioning, sharing ideas and identifying simple cause- and-effect relationships
A) Cognitive
B) Affective
C) Psychomotor
  • 71. What DepEd order is used in assessment during the new normal?
A) DO 27 , s. 2021
B) DO 8, s. 2015
C) DO 31, s. 2020
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