World literature
  • 1. World literature refers to literature from all around the globe, encompassing works written in various languages, cultures, and historical periods. It reflects the diversity of human experience and offers insights into different societies, perspectives, and traditions. World literature bridges the gap between cultures and allows us to explore universal themes such as love, war, identity, and human nature. Through the power of storytelling, world literature nurtures empathy, fosters understanding, and promotes intercultural dialogue. It has the ability to transcend borders and connect people from different corners of the world through shared stories and shared humanity.

    Who wrote the play 'Romeo and Juliet'?
A) William Shakespeare
B) Leo Tolstoy
C) Charles Dickens
D) Jane Austen
  • 2. Which ancient poet wrote 'The Iliad' and 'The Odyssey'?
A) Sappho
B) Homer
C) Virgil
D) Ovid
  • 3. Who is the author of the novel 'Crime and Punishment'?
A) Leo Tolstoy
B) Franz Kafka
C) Gabriel Garcia Marquez
D) Fyodor Dostoevsky
  • 4. Which author wrote 'To Kill a Mockingbird'?
A) J.K. Rowling
B) Ernest Hemingway
C) Mark Twain
D) Harper Lee
  • 5. Who is the writer of 'The Divine Comedy'?
A) Herman Melville
B) Miguel de Cervantes
C) Geoffrey Chaucer
D) Dante Alighieri
  • 6. Which Russian author wrote 'War and Peace'?
A) Nikolai Gogol
B) Fyodor Dostoevsky
C) Leo Tolstoy
D) Anton Chekhov
  • 7. Which Greek philosopher wrote 'The Republic'?
A) Epicurus
B) Aristotle
C) Plato
D) Socrates
  • 8. Who is the author of 'The Picture of Dorian Gray'?
A) Emily Bronte
B) Joseph Conrad
C) Oscar Wilde
D) Thomas Hardy
  • 9. Which author wrote 'Don Quixote'?
A) Miguel de Cervantes
B) Victor Hugo
C) Tolstoy
D) Gustave Flaubert
  • 10. Who wrote the novel 'Great Expectations'?
A) Herman Melville
B) Charles Dickens
C) William Faulkner
D) Thomas Hardy
  • 11. Which American author wrote 'The Catcher in the Rye'?
A) John Steinbeck
B) F. Scott Fitzgerald
C) Ernest Hemingway
D) J.D. Salinger
  • 12. Who authored the novel 'Les Misérables'?
A) Alexandre Dumas
B) Victor Hugo
C) Gustave Flaubert
D) Charles Baudelaire
  • 13. Who wrote the novella 'Heart of Darkness'?
A) Edgar Allan Poe
B) H.G. Wells
C) Joseph Conrad
D) Henry James
  • 14. Who is the author of 'The Canterbury Tales'?
A) John Keats
B) John Milton
C) William Wordsworth
D) Geoffrey Chaucer
  • 15. Which author wrote 'The Metamorphosis'?
A) Franz Kafka
B) Thomas Mann
C) Fyodor Dostoevsky
D) Hermann Hesse
  • 16. Which Brazilian author wrote 'The Alchemist'?
A) Machado de Assis
B) Jorge Amado
C) Clarice Lispector
D) Paulo Coelho
  • 17. Who wrote 'The Old Man and the Sea'?
A) F. Scott Fitzgerald
B) William Faulkner
C) John Steinbeck
D) Ernest Hemingway
  • 18. Which author wrote 'The Stranger'?
A) Jean-Paul Sartre
B) Franz Kafka
C) Albert Camus
D) Hermann Hesse
  • 19. Who is the author of 'Mrs Dalloway'?
A) Virginia Woolf
B) D.H. Lawrence
C) George Orwell
D) E.M. Forster
  • 20. Which Chinese author wrote 'Dream of the Red Chamber'?
A) Yu Hua
B) Lu Xun
C) Cao Xueqin
D) Mo Yan
  • 21. Who wrote 'Madame Bovary'?
A) Émile Zola
B) Victor Hugo
C) Charles Baudelaire
D) Gustave Flaubert
  • 22. Which American novelist wrote 'Beloved'?
A) Toni Morrison
B) Maya Angelou
C) Alice Walker
D) Zora Neale Hurston
  • 23. Who is the author of 'Things Fall Apart'?
A) Wole Soyinka
B) Nadine Gordimer
C) Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o
D) Chinua Achebe
  • 24. Who wrote 'The Road'?
A) Cormac McCarthy
B) Thomas Pynchon
C) David Foster Wallace
D) Don DeLillo
  • 25. Which novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez tells the story of the Buendia family in the town of Macondo?
A) The Autumn of the Patriarch
B) Love in the Time of Cholera
C) Chronicle of a Death Foretold
D) One Hundred Years of Solitude
  • 26. Who wrote the novel 'Pride and Prejudice'?
A) Charlotte Bronte
B) Virginia Woolf
C) Emily Bronte
D) Jane Austen
  • 27. What novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky explores the theme of redemption through suffering?
A) The Brothers Karamazov
B) The Idiot
C) Crime and Punishment
D) Notes from Underground
  • 28. Who is the author of the novel '1984'?
A) George Orwell
B) J.R.R. Tolkien
C) Aldous Huxley
D) Ray Bradbury
  • 29. Who wrote the epic poem 'Paradise Lost'?
A) Samuel Taylor Coleridge
B) Andrew Marvell
C) John Milton
D) Alexander Pope
  • 30. Who is the author of the play 'A Doll's House'?
A) George Bernard Shaw
B) Henrik Ibsen
C) August Strindberg
D) Anton Chekhov
  • 31. Which Greek tragedian wrote 'Oedipus Rex' and 'Antigone'?
A) Euripides
B) Herodotus
C) Aeschylus
D) Sophocles
  • 32. Who wrote the novel 'Moby Dick'?
A) Edgar Allan Poe
B) Herman Melville
C) Henry David Thoreau
D) Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • 33. Which author won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2017?
A) J.K. Rowling
B) Haruki Murakami
C) Kazuo Ishiguro
D) Margaret Atwood
  • 34. Which novel by Chinua Achebe chronicles pre-colonial life in Nigeria and the arrival of Europeans?
A) No Longer at Ease
B) Arrow of God
C) Things Fall Apart
D) Anthills of the Savannah
  • 35. Who wrote the play 'The Cherry Orchard'?
A) Leo Tolstoy
B) Nikolai Gogol
C) Anton Chekhov
D) Fyodor Dostoevsky
  • 36. Who is the author of the novel 'One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich'?
A) Boris Pasternak
B) Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
C) Vladimir Nabokov
D) Ivan Turgenev
  • 37. Which novel by Albert Camus explores the philosophy of the absurd?
A) The Plague
B) The Fall
C) The Myth of Sisyphus
D) The Stranger
  • 38. Which author is famous for 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' series?
A) Philip K. Dick
B) Douglas Adams
C) J.R.R. Tolkien
D) Terry Pratchett
  • 39. Who wrote the poem 'The Waste Land'?
A) T.S. Eliot
B) Ezra Pound
C) Sylvia Plath
D) William Butler Yeats
  • 40. Which Mexican author won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1990?
A) Carlos Fuentes
B) Julio Cortazar
C) Laura Esquivel
D) Octavio Paz
  • 41. Which novel by Charles Dickens features the character Ebenezer Scrooge?
A) Great Expectations
B) Oliver Twist
C) Bleak House
D) A Christmas Carol
  • 42. Which novel by Victor Hugo features the character Jean Valjean?
A) Toilers of the Sea
B) Les Misérables
C) The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
D) The Man Who Laughs
  • 43. 'The Book Thief' is a novel by which Australian author?
A) Markus Zusak
B) Christos Tsiolkas
C) Liane Moriarty
D) Tim Winton
  • 44. Which American novel begins with the line 'Call me Ishmael'?
A) To Kill a Mockingbird
B) The Catcher in the Rye
C) The Great Gatsby
D) Moby-Dick
  • 45. Who wrote the novel 'Wuthering Heights'?
A) Charlotte Brontë
B) Anne Brontë
C) George Eliot
D) Emily Brontë
  • 46. Which Nobel Laureate from Egypt wrote 'Palace Walk'?
A) Tawfiq al-Hakim
B) Naguib Mahfouz
C) Salwa Bakr
D) Radwa Ashour
  • 47. Which Indian author won the Booker Prize for 'Midnight's Children'?
A) Arundhati Roy
B) Salman Rushdie
C) Jhumpa Lahiri
D) Vikram Seth
  • 48. Who wrote the dystopian novel 'Brave New World'?
A) Philip K. Dick
B) Aldous Huxley
C) Ray Bradbury
D) George Orwell
  • 49. Who is the author of 'The Count of Monte Cristo'?
A) Gustave Flaubert
B) Alexandre Dumas
C) Victor Hugo
D) Émile Zola
  • 50. Which Japanese author wrote 'Norwegian Wood'?
A) Yukio Mishima
B) Haruki Murakami
C) Ryunosuke Akutagawa
D) Natsume Sōseki
  • 51. Who wrote the novel 'Jane Eyre'?
A) Emily Brontë
B) Charlotte Brontë
C) George Eliot
D) Anne Brontë
  • 52. Who is the author of 'Invisible Man'?
A) James Baldwin
B) Toni Morrison
C) Richard Wright
D) Ralph Ellison
  • 53. Which Irish author wrote 'Ulysses'?
A) George Bernard Shaw
B) Oscar Wilde
C) Samuel Beckett
D) James Joyce
  • 54. Who wrote the novel 'One Hundred Years of Solitude'?
A) Gabriel García Márquez
B) Ernest Hemingway
C) Charles Dickens
D) Harper Lee
  • 55. Which author wrote the satirical novel 'Candide'?
A) Thomas Hardy
B) Ralph Ellison
C) Voltaire
D) Jules Verne
  • 56. Which author is known for writing 'The Great Gatsby'?
A) John Steinbeck
B) William Faulkner
C) F. Scott Fitzgerald
D) Ernest Hemingway
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