Goethe's Werther heralds Romantic Era
  • 1. Who is the author of 'The Sorrows of Young Werther'?
A) Thomas Mann
B) Friedrich Schiller
C) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
D) Heinrich Heine
  • 2. In which literary era is Werther set?
A) Romantic
B) Realism
C) Modernist
D) Enlightenment
  • 3. What country is Werther from?
A) Germany
B) Italy
C) England
D) France
  • 4. Who is Werther's unattainable love interest?
A) Sophia
B) Charlotte
C) Isabella
D) Emma
  • 5. What is the epistolary form used in 'The Sorrows of Young Werther'?
A) Letters
B) Blog posts
C) Diary entries
D) Newspaper articles
  • 6. Which literary movement does 'The Sorrows of Young Werther' help popularize?
A) Romanticism
B) Classicism
C) Surrealism
D) Naturalism
  • 7. What colors are often associated with the character of Werther?
A) Black and white
B) Blue and yellow
C) Purple and orange
D) Red and green
  • 8. Which character serves as a foil to Werther?
A) Albert
B) Max
C) Lukas
D) Erich
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