A Castle on Viola Street
  • 1. Where is Andy when he sees the flier about the meeting to own a home?
A) At the Soap & Go
B) At school
C) In the library
D) In the park
  • 2. Why does Andy’s dad tell him that sometimes new things are hard to get used to and people are slow to change?
A) The organization building the houses decides to build a mall instead.
B) Some people in the neighborhood do not want to accept the new houses.
C) Andy’s sisters refuse to help in building the houses.
D) The family waiting for their house decides to move somewhere else.
  • 3. Why does Andy’s family sign up to help fix houses for other people?
A) The neighborhood houses need repair.
B) Their dad gets a new job.
C) They hope to get a house one day.
D) Andy wants to become a builder.
  • 4. Just after the Tran family moves into their new house, they _____
A) adopt a dog as a pet
B) have a potluck supper
C) build a swimming pool
D) repaint their walls
  • 5. Which sentence expresses the main theme of this story?
A) People can reach their dreams by working hard.
B) Animals can be helpful, too.
C) It is important to think about the past.
D) People should be more open to new experiences.
  • 6. The reader can tell from this story that Andy is _____
A) disappointed
B) frustrated
C) hardworking
D) lonely
  • 7. What is the result of Andy’s family’s hard work?
A) The family gets a house.
B) Andy finishes the family’s laundry.
C) Andy builds a birdhouse.
D) The family gets a lot of money.
  • 8. Read this sentence. Mr. and Mrs. Rivera look forward to living in a place that does not have leaky pipes. What does the word leaky mean?
A) Completely empty
B) Changing in size
C) Very cold
D) Allowing liquid to escape
  • 9. Read this sentence from the story. The kitchen had shiny linoleum floors and brand-new appliances. The word appliances means _____
A) ways of doing things
B) hammers and nails
C) pieces of equipment
D) plates for the kitchen
  • 10. New _____ are usually quieter than older washers and dishwashers.
A) owners
B) equipment
C) leaky
D) construction
E) appliances
  • 11. The _____ pipe dripped all over the bathroom floor.
A) appliances
B) leaky
C) project
D) equipment
E) owners
  • 12. My cousins are the new _____ of the house across the street.
A) equipment
B) appliances
C) construction
D) owners
E) project
  • 13. It will take a year of _____ to complete the new buildings.
A) equipment
B) construction
C) owners
D) appliances
E) project
  • 14. We needed large _____ to finish building the house.
A) appliances
B) project
C) construction
D) owners
E) equipment
  • 15. It was a very big _____ , and we all worked hard on it.
A) leaky
B) equipment
C) project
D) construction
E) owners
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