Narrowing Down a Topic
  • 1. What was the topic given to the student?
A) history
B) sports
C) Music
D) robbery
  • 2. What was the student's name?
A) Quagmire
B) P. Culiar
C) Wilber Whittle
D) McStickler
  • 3. What happened at the local antique boutique?
A) it was burglarized
B) it was haunted
C) they had a big sale
D) a car was driven through the building
  • 4. what does not mean disarray?
A) chaos
B) disorder
C) tidiness
D) a state of confusion
  • 5. Who is Mr. P. Culiar?
A) detective
B) student's dad
C) teacher
D) local antique boutique owner
  • 6. What does this mean, "I didn't go off chasing rabbits!"
A) This expression means to head off in the wrong direction or to stray from your task.
B) I literally decided not to chase the rabbits
  • 7. What subject did the website give you an example of for narrowing down a topic?
A) history
B) science
C) english
D) math
E) reading
  • 8. Choose the topic that is most appropriate to use for a research paper.
A) high school soccer
B) the origin and development of high school soccer
C) why I like soccer
D) sports
  • 9. Name the 5 W's.
  • 10. Why is it important to narrow down a topic?
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